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Leanne's POV

I was walking out of the Pledis building and walked to wherever my feet would take me. I put in my earphones so I could ignore all the noises around me. I kept walking but I didn't look up so it was bound for me to walk into some walls, light posts, and people. I think I said sorry to a bike, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention but I still kept walking until I entered a building. I didn't dare to look up because I didn't want anyone to recognize me. I kept walking until I bumped into someone so I apologized of course because manners duh.

"I'm sorry." I said while bowing down and coming back up. When looking at the person in front of me, she looked oddly familiar. "Dahyun unnie !" I gasped and exclaimed while hugging her. "I missed you !"

"me too." She said as she hugged me back then pulled away to look at me. "What's wrong ?" She asked and I looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean ?" I said and she looked genuinely worried.

"Your eyes are red, your eyebags are worse, you have dark circles, and you have tear stains on your cheeks. What happened ?" She said and I covered my face, I must look horrible then.

"I-I got kicked off the Royals." I said, almost in a whisper but loud enough for Dahyun unnie to hear me.

"Oh my goodness come here !" She said as she pulled me into tight hug as I cried into her chest. I hugged her back just as tight while still crying.

I pulled away and realized that her shirt was wet from my tears.

"sorry, your shirt got wet." I said as I sniffled.

"It's okay. Come with me, I'll bring you to my practice room and you can meet my members." She said as she pulled me to the elevator. In the elevator, I noticed that she dyed her hair into a really nice ombrè purple.

"Wow Unnie ! Your hair is so pretty !!!" I said while touching her hair and she chuckled.

"thanks." She said and I was braiding it. The colours made so much more beautiful and it was just so pretty.

"So pretty !!" I said while clapping my hands as Dahyun unnie laughed at my childish behaviour.

Eventually, the elevator dinged, signalling that we were at the floor where the dance practice room is.

I walked up to it and looked inside from the outside of the door. I saw 8 other girls goofing around and just laughing so loud that their laughter was heard from outside of the door. I smiled to myself but then frowned, my members and I used to be like that. I shook the thought away and followed Dahyun unnie inside.

"Dahyun ! Who's that ?" A girl said and walked up to Dahyun unnie and I backed away. I felt intimidated, vulnerable, and so many things. It's probably still shock from what happened earlier.

"This is Leanne." Dahyun unnie said and I bowed down.

"hello" I said and I felt a hand on my head.

"You guys must recognize her. She is, well, was the leader of the Royals." She said.

"Ah, Leanne. The one who was in a coma and the one you took care of right ? We really admire you and your strength. Also, what do you mean 'was' ?" She asked and Dahyun unnie looked at me, signalling me to say it.

"I just kicked out the Royals today." I said and looked down in shame.

"Really !! Why ??" She said and started hugging me.

"I'm sorry but can I know your name first before you start hugging me ?" I asked before pulling away from her.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Sana." She said and I smiled and hugged her.

"Are you okay ?" I saw the other girls surrounding us and looked at me in worry.

"Yeah, I guess I just need time to heal myself." I said and gave a weak smile to them.

"We should introduce ourselves. I'm Nayeon."

"Short haired girl crush Jeongyeon !" She said as she flipped her hair and I laughed because there wasn't much hair to flip.

"Dancing machine Momo !" She said as she freestyled in front of me and I couldn't do anything else but look in awe.

"You know me, but I'm Sana." She said as she did a peace sign.

"God Jihyo !" She said as she did a flower pose and I smiled at her actions.

"Ballerina Mina." She said as she did some ballet moves in front of me and I looked in awe once again, she just looked so graceful ! Am I gay now ? NO, I HAVE JEONGHAN, I'M A LOYAL GIRLFRIEND.

"You're one and only Dubuuuu !" Dahyun unnie said and I started giggling at her childishness.

"Strawberry princess... Just kidding, I'm Chaeyoung." I looked at her confused and she got the sign. "I really like strawberries." She said and I nodded in reply.

"I'm the tall maknae Tzuyu !" and she wasn't kidding when she said she was tall. I think she must only be a tiny bit shorter than Mingyu.

"Why do groups always do that ?" I asked.

"Do what ?" Tzuyu unnie asked and I looked UP at her, chill I'm only 5'1 and she's like 5'8, give me a break.

"They always have something to describe themselves when they introduce themselves on a reality show or something." I said and they looked at me confused.

"Don't you have one ?" They asked me and I shook my head.

"There's nothing that significant about me." I said and they shook their heads in disappointment.

"I know we just met but I can already tell that you're significant and unique. You must have an amazing personality." Sana unnie said.

"According to the Royals I don't." I said and looked down, sad once again.

"Stop thinking about them !! We're going to cheer you up." they said.

"How ?" I looked at them.

"You'll see." Sana said.

안녕 !! hey guys, sorry for the slow updates ! I swear I'll try my hardest to update as fast as I can. Love you !!! 사라해 !!


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