The Other Two's Situations

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A/N: This is Bianca's Outfit and I just realized that Mia's outfit looks like Aftertale Sans/Geno's outfit. XD

~Bianca's POV~

I was freezing and confused in this new, cold, and snowy area. Walking under a gate like structure, I see a skeleton sleeping at a post. The skeleton was wearing a blue hoodie and had a giant crack in it's skull. I'm not assuming genders here but I think it's a boy. I quickly take out my hatchets and slowly walk up to him with caution. 'Maybe he can tell me where I am.' I think to myself as I shake him awake. The skeleton shoots up with an axe in his hand and turns towards me with a murderous look. I return the look and turn my hatchets a little which catches his attention. "You shouldn't be playing with weapons kiddo." He said in a deep voice with a smirk. "Then the same rules apply to you." I say with a smirk of my own. The skeleton laughs and holds out his hand. "The name is Sans kiddo but call me Horror." "Cool name Horror, my name is Bianca." I say as I shook his hand. It seemed that we had the same idea but I was quicker. I pull him over the counter and raise one hatchet in the air. "Where the hell am I? Did you do anything to my friends?" I say with a glare. "You're in Horrortale Kid. As for your friends, I have no clue if anything happened to them."

~Katie's POV~

Walking down the cold and snowy ground, I stop at a thing that kind of looks like a gate. Suddenly, I see a colorful blur rush past me and stop in front of me. Looking at what the colorful blur was, I see a colorful skeleton on a skateboard. "Woah! Hey there my rad bro-tatoe! I'm Sanzy Fresh but you can just call me Fresh!" The skeleton, who is apparently name Fresh, said to me in an 80s like accent. "Um Cool. My name is Katelynn but just call me Katie." I say unsure about Fresh. He seems pretty suspicious for some reason. "So Fresh, do you where I am? Or where the others are?" "Ya dawg. You're in the freshtastic Underfresh and how many other radical bros are you looking for yo?" "Two. Bianca and Mia. Have you seen them?" "Nah sorry little chicka but I betcha that my rad bro Error has seen them somewhere."

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