chapter 2

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the team was sat on the sofa watching static with conner. roy wasn't here yet when the zata beams announce.
Artemis B- 04 Nightwing B- 01.
artemis and nightwing walk into the living room and sit on the sofa.
wally: fanily your both here!
artemis: yeah. baywatch.
tim: why do you two allways arive together?
bart laughs.
Dick: we live in the same city.
m'gann: oh.
aqualad: why did it take you so long to get here?
Dick: i forgot that batman wanted us here. wally had to call and remind me.
wally: yep i did.
conner: what about you artemis?
Artemis: i have only been awake for 20 minutes.
tim: who got you up?
Artemis: nightwing knocking on my door to see if i was coming. it woke me up.
team: oh.
the computur then announces..
batman A-01.
batman walks into the living room and stands infront of the team
batman: for team bonding exasize. you will all be staying here at the tower for up to 4 mouths you can only leave on missions. and all your schools think you have a 4 mouth schooling program. so you will have school in here.
artemis and Dick send a worried look at each other. .
wally/bart: but we will be superbord.
batman: well you'll have try and entertain each other. with games.
m'gann: like truth or dare.
wally: and video games.
tim: or bored games
batman: yes. and black canray will be staying here as well as red tornado to watch you all.
everyone noded. then batman left.
bart: this is so crash!!!!
wally: yeah
tim looks at Dick and artemis who still looked worried.
tim: you two ok?
everyone looked at artemis and Dick.
artemis/Dick: yeah we are fine..
m'gann: what shall we do first?
aqualad: why don't get somthing to eat since it is dinner time now.
conner: i'm not even hungry.
wally: i'm hungry
tim: yeah we shouldn't eat untill everyone is hugry. if its only wally who is hungry
artemis: i kinda agree with baywatch. i am hugry to. and we should eat since it is lunch time
m'gann: i'll go make some food
she flys into the kitchen. and starts makeing food
tim: since when do you agree with wally when he is hungry?
artemis: i don't know.
bart laughs.
wally: whats so funny bart?
bart: its future stuff. you won't get it.
wally: oh.
Conner: ok
the computur then announces
black canary A-07.
she walks into the living room and sit down with the team.
black canary: so what are you all doing now?
wally: waiting for m'gann to finish cooking food.
tim: while seeing why artemis and nightwing looked worried.
black canary look at dick and artemis who smiled at her. .
bart mumbles: this is so funny.
aqualad: and conner is watching static
black canary: sounds normal
an hour later m'gann comes back in with food. . everyone starts to eat the food. but sundanly artemis feels sick again. she looks at Dick worriedly. Dick seemed to know whats wrong and noded to her. only black canary seemed to notice this. artemis got up and started to walk to the bathroom.
black canary: where are you going artemis?
everyone looked at her
artemis: the bathroom
black carnary: ok.
artemis then runs to the batroom. she quitly shut the door and started throwing up in the totel. everyone heared her.

what will happen next? will anyone find out artemis and Dick dateing? what is wrong witj Artemis? read on to find out

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