chapter 5

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wally: artemis truth or dare
artemis: dare
wally: i dare you to kiss the cutiest person in the room
artemis: well no one is  cute in this room
she was lieing
wally: oh.
artemis: m'gann truth or dare
m'gann: dare
artemis: kiss your crush
m'gann kiss conner
m'gann: conner truth or dare
conner: dare
m'gann:  i dare you to try one of my cookies
she passes him one he eats it
conner: kalder truth or dare SORRY if spelt wrong
aqualad: truth
conner: what is your home like?
aqualad: its wonderfull and amizing
he turns to Tim
aqualad: robin truth or dare
Tim: truth 
aqualad: do you date real people and not computurs?
tim: yes. why would anyone think i don't date real people?
wally: becasue your allways on the computer.
tim: whatever. bart truth or dare
bart: truth
tim: whats your worse fear?
bart:  my grandad, my mum's dad.
tim: who is he?
bart: eobard thawne
wally: your grandad is barrys worse enemy
bart: yep.
wally: oh god. i guess there is alot of family fights in the future then.
bart: yep.
wally: so ypur mum the daughter of thawne and your dad the flash's son got together and started the greatest family ravilry ever?
bart nods
bart: nightwing truth or dare 
Dick: truth
bart: why did you and artemis really arrive at the same time everyday?
Dick:  we live right next to each other 
bart: oh
bart smirks 
Dick: wally truth or dare 
wally: truth
Dick: who is your crush?
wally: linda park
Dick: nice 
wally: artemis truth or dare.
artemis: truth
wally: why have you been throwing up?
artemis: i really don't know
wally: oh
black canary who was watching rised an eyebrow at this
black canary: ok thats enough truth or dare. go get ready for bed then come tell me what we need from the shop so we can tell roy to bring it tomorrow when he comes
every one heads to their rooms and gets changed then they come back to black canary what every one needs then she calls roy and tells him then everyone heads to bed but artemis and Dick. once everyone is gone they gone to their rooms. Dick and artemis go to Dicks room.  artemis rushs to Dick bathroom. and throws up in Dicks tolet. she wipes her mouth then sits on Dicks bed
Dick: you ok mis?
artemis: yeah...... Dick whats  the date?
Dick: 1.9.18. why?
artemis's eyes widen
artemis: i missed my .
Dick cuts in
Dick: oh my. you may be?
artemis nods
Dick: we need to take a test.
artemis: how we are not alowed out? 
Dick: roy.  we call roy. ask him to buy one and he allready knows about us.
artemis: yeah lets
they call roy
roy: hey guys. why you calling? i allready have the list for the shoping
Dick: roy could you buy us somthing. no one else can know you got it for me and Artemis.
roy: what do you need?
artemis: a pregnancy test
roy: oh. artemis you might be pregnant?
artemis: yep.
roy: ok i'll get one.
Dick/artemis: thanks Roy.
roy: no problem. bye
artemis/Dick: bye
roy hangs up
the next day.  roy arives. abd hands every one everything then goes Dick's room with the  test. artemis was allready in there. he goes in. artemis takes the test..
she walks back out of the bathroom
roy: so?
artemis: i'm pregnant
Dick: yes!!!!! we are going to be parents!!!
artemis: yeah
roy: congrats
artemis: what are we going to tell the team and how are we ment to go to doctor apointments?
roy: oh.
Dick: we could tell Bc (black canary) and she can do the apointments and we could tell the team when you are ready?
artemis: nods

what will happen next? how will everyone react? read on to find out

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