chapter 7

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everyone was siting in the living room. Dick and artemis were waiting for black canary to call them.  artemis felt hungry but didn't want to say anything..
wally: what shall we do? 
Dick: well robin and bart are having the school classes with batman right now. 
roy: don't you have school night?
Dick: i finish school at the same time as artemis and wally.
m'gann: your 3 years younger then them.
Dick: yep
conner: how did you finish at with them?
artemis: well he skiped a cupple of years
(i live in UK don't know amrican grades so)
wally: yep he did
black canary walks in.
black canary: artemis Dick.. can we talk?
artemis/Dick: yep. 
they get up and walk out of the living room.
artemis: Dick  do you have a snack on you? i'm hungry
Dick: yep
he passes her one
artemis: thanks
she eats it. they walk into the med bay and they shut and lock the door
black canary: can you lay on the bed  for me artemis?
artemis lays on the bed
black canary: i'm going to take a blood test to see how far along you are..
she does that.  about an hour later. the results come back..
black canary: you are about a mouth into the pregnancy. which means we can take a scan. if you both want.
Dick: yes please
black canary gets some jell out
black canary: this may be cold.
she puts the jell of artemis belly.  she thens gets a scaner out and scans the baby and picture comes up on the screan.
black canary: theres your baby.
Dick: aww
artemis: i can't belive this is actually  happening
black canary moves the scaner around more and they find somthing thats surprises them.
Dick/artemis: is that?
black canary: congratulations your having twins.
Dick: omg
artemis: two kids.
they both smile.

what happens next? when will they tell the team? read on to find out..

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