chapter 3

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artemis was still throwing up.  everyone was out side the door worried. Dick goes in shuts the door behind him and hold artemis's hair out of the way while rubbing her back. when she finished throwing up. she straightened up and looked at Dick she wipe her mouth
Dick: you ok mis?
artemis: yes Dick.
Dick: you sure?
Artemis: yeah.
Dick: what are you going to tell every one?
Artemis: i don't know
Dick: ok.
artemis:  yeah. let's just get this over with.
artemis opens the door and walks out and Dick follows..
black canary: are you ok, Artemis?
artemis: yes i'm fine 
aqualad: are you sure my friend? 
artemis: yeah
impulce burst out laughing. everyone turns to look at him.
tim: what is so funny bart? 
bart: future stuff. that you will find out about in a mouths time but nightwing and artemis will find out sooner. 
nightwing and artemis look at each other then back at the laughing bart
black canary: i need to talk to artemis and nightwing. why don't the rest of you go set up a movie to watch?
aquadlad: good idea.
aqualad walks off conner had allready waked off  to the living room and was watching staic. everyone else follows
Artemis: what you want to talk about?
black canary: are you sure your allright artemis?
Artemis: yes i'm fine
black canary: if you say so.
Dick: is that all you wanted to say?
black canary; do you have any idea of what bart ment?
Dick and artemis sent a look to eachother
Dick/artemis: no
black canary sigh.
black canary: allright you may go watch the movie with the others.
artemis and Dick walk off to the living room. bart, tim, wally and conner was sat of the sofa. aqualad was sat on the chair. m'gann was on the other chair. artemis and Dick sit on the floor.
artemis: so what are we watching?
bart/wally/tim: Disney..
artemis: you allways pick disney.
tim: i only get to watch documentarys or detective movies at home so.
bart: and  i've never seen disney.
wally: omg. we have to watch a disney movie now.
artemis: fine. which one?
wally: we havn't picked yet.
m'gann: what about lion king?
aqualad: or dumbo?
Dick sighs.          
Dick: is there anything else? 
conner: we are picking one of them.
Dick nods .
aqualad: hands up for dumbo.
aqualad and conner put ther hands up.
aqualad: hands up for lion king 
everyone else looks at Dick. Dick seemed to know what they was thinking and nods.  tim, wally, bart, Artemis and m'gann put their hands up.
aqualad: looks like we are watching lion king my friends.
wally puts in lion king..  it was good at the beginning of the movie. but with  when simba's dad died. Dick flinched. and sneaked off to his room no one noticed but Artemis. she followed him. 

what will happen next?  will Dick be ok? why does artemis keep throwing up? read on to find out?

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