Chapter 5 - Stay With Me

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Chapter 5 - Stay With Me


All of a sudden a pair of cold hands lifted me from the ground and threw me over their shoulders. At this point I knew it wasn´t the disgusting old man because he was running behind us.. but who just picked me up? We ran, well no, the person who just saved my life ran while I just sat there over his shoulder looking back at the man that just tried to do God knows what to me. We reached a building and quickly scurried inside which is when I was finally put down to meet a pair of piercing green eyes. 

Mystery boy.

He was panting and breathing pretty hard since he just ran I don't even know how many blocks with little ol´ me to carry. And even though he was out of breath and sweating, he still looked so amazing. Wish I had that ability. 

"Uh.. thanks for that back there.." I stated awkwardly. I didn´t know what to say, I´ve never really been in this position before and everything happened so fast. I was still a little confused how it all went down so quickly. 

"It´s really no problem.¨ He said with breaths in between each word. He smiled a bit at me. He´s so perfect. Ugh, no Grace. Don´t think those thoughts. You can´t get attached to even the idea of someone being there for you.. it always turns out the same, right?

"Well, I´m not really sure how to ever repay you for that. You didn´t have to, you know. It was pretty noble of you" I said with a smile. I could at least make a little joke of this whole situation. I mean my whole life is a joke as I know it anyway. 

"I didn´t have to? Of course I did, I wouldn´t leave someone I knew to be in that sort of danger." He said with a serious face. 

"I would hardly say you know me, but again, thank you so much.¨ I said hugging him. I don´t really know what came over me to actually hug him, but I felt it was the right thing to do. It´s the only thing I can do to at least show him how grateful I am for what he just did. Hes like my little saviour, always coming to my rescue when I need him most. Or when I need someone most. 

"Well I know you´re name is Grace.. and that you´re American." He said with a cheeky smile, showing me his dimples. 

"Oh, so cute and clever I see." I said grinning. Wait... did I just say cute. Oh god, that's embarrassing.. I mean I said it to tease him but really now it just looks like I think he´s cute and ugh. He obviously would never feel that way towards me, so now this is just awkward. Fml.

"Cute and clever...." He said lingering on my statement. "Yep, I would say that´s just about right." He grinned up at me. Thank god he avoided the fact that I just called him cute. I can´t let little slip ups like that happen.

We stood in silence for a moment and it was just then when I took a look around where we were standing. It was a little tiny hallway, I'm guessing of an apartment building, that lead to a staircase. The carpet underneath us was a dark red, and the wallpaper gold with a floral pattern in a darker gold. Above us was a big chandelier with a bunch of candles. "Wow." I thought, "this place is fancy."

He started up the stairs and I just looked at him confused. Is that it? He´s just going to leave without saying goodbye or something? ...

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