Chapter 17 - Family Matters

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(A/N: Please read authors note at the end to find out about the new schedule)

Chapter 17 - Family Matters


The Next Day

I clenched my fists before taking a deep breath, the new car smell still present in every corner of the vehicle. I slowly moved my hand to the tepid feeling plastic button that held my seat belt in place. Unbuckling it, finally being able to freely move my upper body, I straightened out my back and faced forward, afraid to take the next step.  

"Are you sure you're okay going in there alone?" Sebastian questioned as he lowered his head, unsure of what my answer would be. To be honest, I wasn't really sure what my answer would be either. Every little bit of me wishes to just have a normal family, to have my real parents there for me. I know I have people to fall back on, but it's just not the same. I've messed up a lot in life, and I know I haven't been the best daughter, but that's no reason for them to keep holding it against me, right? I mean, my parents weren't exactly angels either. 

"Y-yeah," I managed to say after clearing my throat, "I have to do this alone." 

Sebastian put his hand over mine, grasping my clenched fist and giving it a sympathetic and reassuring squeeze. I took one last breath and nodded to no one in particular, wrapping the side of my hands on the latch that opened the car door. I stepped out, feeling the warm September sun on my shoulders, giving me goose bumps on my bare arms. I walk up the driveway, hearing rocks crunch underneath my shoes as I do so. Finally reaching the front door, I stop for a second, unsure of my next move. Is this really the right thing to do? Maybe the wounds are still too fresh, maybe they still resent me. Deborah's friendly smile came to my mind, her words ringing in my ears. Promise me you'll try and sort it out with them, do it for me. I winced, suddenly regretting that I made her such a promise. I don't usually go back on my word, especially when I give it to such an amazing person like Deborah. I know that if I go home tonight without doing this, it would disappoint her. And I refuse to disappoint someone else, I refuse to let down yet another person in my life. No, this time I was going to do this, no matter how hard it was. For Deborah. 

Ding dong

Ding dong

I heard the doorbell echo throughout the house, feeling my stomach do a flip from the nerves I was feeling. I quickly turned around to see if Sebastian still remained there, I'm not sure why, I knew he wouldn't leave. But seeing him sitting there watching me, it was.. comforting. I gave him a slight smile to let him know I was okay, he's probably just as nervous for me as I am myself. It's crazy, but he's just the type of person to really know how to step into someone's shoes and know how they feel. He gave me a thumbs up, which made me chuckle a little. My gaze roamed around the front yard now as I waited for someone to come to the door. The grass was greener than I remembered, and it was freshly cut with little flowers popping up in random spots. No one ever made an effort to make my front yard look nice when I was here, but I guess even if it had been a couple months, lots of things can change. Heck, I've changed so much over the summer. If this were six months back, I'd never in a million years think I'd be speaking to Sebastian again, let alone living with him. Or better yet, it wouldn't have even crossed my mind to live in a different country, away from everything I ever knew. Everyone and everything changes, but people only realize it with time. 

"Uhh," I heard a familiar voice say from behind me drawing me back from my thoughts, I turned around to be faced with a pair of confused brown eyes that were starting to droop from what looks like lack of sleep. Wrinkles and tired bags encircling the skin around them. That tired look didn't last long, for as soon as I turned around they were big and wide, as if she'd seen a ghost. I know it's been a while, but did she really not expect me to come around? Maybe it had been too soon... nonetheless I felt my heartbeat get faster and my palms started to sweat, as I now truly realized how potentially bad this could go. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she has no interest in even talking about the past? Fuck. 

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