Chapter 7 - Meet & Greet

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Chapter 7 - Meet & Greet


I pulled up to a random restaurant in town where we´d be meeting the boys for lunch. Grace seemed excited since her leg wouldn´t stop tapping, making her whole body bounce slightly up and down. 

¨Excited?¨ I said smiling, putting my hand on her knee. Her eyes widened a bit, but then she relaxed. Did I make her nervous? 

¨A little bit more nervous than excited,¨ She admitted, ¨What if they don´t like me or something. And Louis probably told them I´m like a one night stand of yours.¨ She exclaimed rolling her eyes. 

She´s right, Louis can be a bit of a big mouth sometimes, not on purpose though. 

¨Don´t worry about that, I´ll clear it up with them. And I already told you all about them last night,    they´re nice guys, there´s nothing to worry about, Grace.¨ I reassured her. Trust me, the boys would sure like her alright. A pretty girl like this is never disliked amongst a group of teenage boys, but I´ll make sure nothing happens to her.. 

¨Let´s go, they´re probably waiting for us.¨ I said, sliding out of my car and rushing to the other side to open the door for Grace. She looked down a bit to hide her face and then walked out of the car. The high waisted jean shorts and mesh tank top I´d gotten her looked amazing on her. I must say so myself, but I have pretty good taste, even though anything would have looked good on her. Oy.. here I go again with those thoughts. I don´t want to like her as anything more than just a friend I´m helping out, I don´t even want to be curious about being more than just friends, that´s when everything gets complicated. In the end, someone always gets hurt; that someone usually being me. 

I lead Grace into the restaurant and spotted the boys seated in a booth next to a window facing the busy streets of London. I place my hand at the small of her back to lead her, surprisngly there weren´t any paparazzi around to snap a few pictures of us to start up a rumor. Not yet anyway..

¨Guys, I´d like you to meet my old family friend Grace, she´s from the states,¨ I said making up a lie on the spot as Grace slid into the booth next to Zayn, while I went in after her. She shot me a ¨thank you¨look at my lie, I didn´t think she´d want me to tell them how we met exactly, so I figured this lie would be better. Zayn´s eyes met hers and he extended his hand.

¨I´m Zayn,  it´s nice to meet such a ... pretty lady like yourself.¨ He said looking at her up and down, clearly trying to search for an appropriate word to use. I rolled my eyes, of course as soon as a girl comes Zayn is the first to flirt or say something to win her over. He´s not one to go from girl to girl, but he´s a charmer, that one. 

¨Ahem,¨ I said coughing, his comment really bothered me. Grace took his hand and shook it, and then looked to Louis, who was next to Zayn.

¨Ah, Louis. We met this morning.¨ She said shaking her head, giggling. She had the cutest laugh. 

¨Pleasure to see you again, Gracey. You don´t mind if I call you Gracey, do you?¨ Louis said with his eyes big, waiting for her response. That was typical Louis, aways making nick names for everyone. 

¨Of course you can, noone´s called me that since I was in grade school.¨ Grace said smiling. 

¨I´m Liam,¨ Liam said nodding his head in acknowledgement

¨And I´m Niall,¨ The Irish boy said holding up his glass and nodding his head. I looked over at Grace who smiled and said hello back to both of them. I couldn´t tell what she was thinking, but her eyes were wide and had a bit of a twinkle in them. My thoughts were interrupted by the waitress who came over to take our order.

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