Chapter 9 - Sticks & Stones

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Chapter 9 - Sticks & Stones


It was about half an hour after I´d seen Louis and Grace all over each other, I was still bitter about it. I know me and Grace weren´t anything, but I still felt like she was mine. Mine to save, mine to be with. It was all so stupid of me though, because clearly that wasn´t true. I was more disappointed than anything, and I don´t think all the alcohol I was in taking was helping, but fuck it. I´m too upset to care right about now. 

¨Haz, taxi´s here, we´re all leaving.¨ Louis said putting his hand on my shoulder to grab my attention away from the bar. I downed a shot and brushed his hand off my shoulder, shooting him a glare. I know it technically wasn´t his fault that Grace preferred him to me, but I´m still mad about it. My emotions are out of control, I don´t know how to feel anymore. Jealousy, anger, sadness; all of these emotions were trying to dominate my heart and mind at the moment, I don´t know which to tend to first. I´m just fucking upset. 

I walked towards the exit and slammed the taxi door behind me, even though the rest of the boys still had to get in. As soon as the taxi door opened, I got strange looks from everyone, but I disregarded it and looked out the window. I focused my eyes on the window, and saw through the reflection that the first person to walk in the taxi was Grace, her eyes fixed on the back of my head. She looked confused and worried, but kept her mouth shut, sitting in the very back of the taxi. I´m not in the mood to deal with anyone, especially not Grace. My head is pounding, my eyes stinging, my throat had a lump in it from holding back tears. What´s happening to me? Did Grace really have this much control over me? I can´t believe I´m really letting this happen to me right now, and all I want to do is be left alone and cry. But I can´t, I can´t let anyone see I care. I´m not weak. 

¨We´re here.¨ Liam said turning to me, pointing to the open door. Almost everyone had already gotten out of the taxi and was heading into the complex. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that the twenty minute car ride felt like two minutes at most. I nodded, looking down. I just wanted to be in my bed so badly, away from everything and everyone. 

I made my way up the stairs to my apartment, my legs feeling heavier with every new step I took. The other boys had flats on the lower level, while mine and Louis were on the top floor. Fuck. I forgot I live with Louis, now I have to deal with him and Grace being all lovey while I sulk in my room.  Just my luck. I pushed the door open, seeing that it had already been left unlocked for me to get in. Grace was no where in site, but Louis was sitting on the couch waiting. 

¨You alright?¨ Louis said, getting up from the couch and making his way towards me. I shrugged and walked in the direction of the stairs, trying my best to avoid him. I know myself, if he pushes me right now my every emotion will just explode. 

¨Why aren´t you answering me? What the hell is wrong Harry.¨ He used my full name. He never just calls me Harry, plain and simple like that. I scowled, thinking in my head that he was my problem right now. That the girl I was falling for fell for my best friend, and I couldn´t do anything about it. The girl i took in, the girl I wanted to help so desperately, the girl i wanted to be there for me like I am for her, and she didn´t even notice. How was this not obvious to anyone? Why doesn´t anyone understand? Why can´t they all just leave me alone?

¨Just leave me alone okay, you´re the last person I want to talk to right now.¨ I spat at him coldly, narrowing my eyes in his direction, then placing a foot on the first step of the winding stair case. 

¨What the fuck? What´s gotten into you? Everything is just peachy than you take one too many drinks and you decide to hate the world?¨ Louis said, pulling my wrist down, making me face him. Face the guy who ruined my chance at happiness with someone. And yet, I could still call him my best friend. This is so messed up. 

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