Chapter 16 - Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 16 - Home Sweet Home


One Week Later

"Dinner's ready, guys! Come down," a warm motherly voice called up the stairs, traveling to Sebastian's room where I had been situated in a comfy bed with a gray, white, and blue checkered comforter wrapped around me. Sebastian's room was painted blue, all his furniture being a dark wooden color, and the rest of the accessories in his room matching with his blue walls. Needless to say his mother had fun decorating his room, because Sebastian is definitely not into that sort of thing. Even though you would think otherwise, because he is so into his own appearance, but I think he's like that for different reasons. His room had gotten a bit messy since we'd gotten back from London, but it never used to be this way before. I remember it always being tidy and cozy thanks to Deborah, Sebastian's mom. You'd think that after having and raising two boys, she'd be tired of cleaning up after them when they're both old enough to tidy up themselves. But no, she loves cleaning up after them actually, which is strange, but nice. She's just like that. So motherly. 

"The foods going to get cold if you don't hurry!," Deborah called out again a few minutes later, finally catching our attention. Sebastian looked up from the TV which we both had been glued to, watching some reality show on TLC about strange obsessions people have. This episode was about a grown woman named Darcy who was around thirty. She was obsessed with everything baby related. She dressed up in little bodysuits, used diapers, always had a pacifier with her, drank out of bottles, etc. Honestly watching this was a little funny and I couldn't help but laugh at first, but as the show filmed her everyday life more in depth and how she so desperately wants to be a baby, it made me feel a little sad. Darcy explained how she never had much of a childhood and how her parents neglected her, and how she thinks that's why she does this. She can't help it and her desires have driven her to have an obsession with being a baby. That really upset me, mostly because I could relate so much to this strange woman. I guess I really got lucky though, because if what I'd been through in life didn't mess me up as much as this woman, I wonder how bad her life must have been. 

Sebastian switched off the TV, bringing me from my thoughts and back to reality. He nodded towards the door, signaling that we better off go downstairs before his mother drags us down there. I slide off the bed and out the door, rushing down the stairs that lead right to the dining room where dinner had awaited us. 

"Don't run down the stairs dear, you might trip and fall!" Deborah scolded me, putting a hand on my shoulder and shaking her head. She was an average looking woman. Around 5'3, short blond hair and blue eyes that were full of life and love. She never wore makeup, and almost always had an apron around her waist. She was a typical old fashioned stay-at-home mom. I smiled and apologized for my actions and she simply nodded, gesturing towards the dining room where five plates sat circling the edge of the table. I took my seat, which was in between Sebastian and his mother, and across from Tom, their father. Tom also looked like an old fashioned father. He was balding on the back of his head, but the rest was covered in light brown hair. He wore big rimmed glasses and he never had any facial hair, always clean cut. He liked to wear those fedora looking hats, and always had some sort of dressier looking pants on with a button down shirt on top. Him and Deborah were like two parents straight out of the fifties. Tom smiled, acknowledging me with a nod before I looked down at my plate. The scent of the food traveled up my nose and tempted my stomach, as I suddenly noticed how hungry I truly was. We all started digging in and conversing, engaging in small talk. 

"So, are you excited for school to start?" Tom said, directing the question at both Sebastian and I with the hand he held his fork in, using only one finger to point and the rest to hold his eating utensil in place. I had sort of forgotten that university was starting soon. Of course I knew that once summer ended I'd be going to school, but it was sort of surreal how soon it really was. This summer had been so eventful, it almost seemed as if it'd last forever. But I'm happy to start school, for once. It's like a fresh new start with completely new people, in a completely different town, and a completely new building. A fresh start is exactly what I needed after this summer, and I was most definitely looking forward to that. 

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