Mark (Markiplier) X reader

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Mark's POV
      (Y/N)'s been really stressed lately. She goes to the diner she works at at about 6 in the morning, works until 3 in the afternoon, comes back to our house, records a video for her channel, edits for both of us, and by then it's about 6:45 at night. After she edits, she works on stuff for college, cleans, and makes dinner. I help her with everything but, she won't take a break.(Take a break! Run away with us for the summer! Ok, I'll stop) I've tried to get her to relax but, she just thinks of other stuff she needs to do for other people. I'm worried for her.
     I walk downstairs and see (Y/N) fast asleep at the kitchen island. Her head is on a pile of papers probably for college. There's wet patches by her eyes and her cheeks have tear streaks on them. Her (h/length) (h/color) hair is in a messy bun and some fly away hairs frame her face beautifully. " Oh, sweetheart." I whisper to myself. I walk closer to her and see her (right/left) hand loosely holding a mechanical pencil. I put the pencil down and gently lift her up. I carry (Y/N) to our room and lay her down on our bed and get her covered up. I gently shut the door and walk back downstairs.
      I wake up after a while and feel a soft, comfortable bed under me. "How did-? Mark." I say to myself. "Oh shit! I have to edit his video yet!" I stand up and race downstairs, carefully so I don't break myself. I walk into the kitchen and see my papers neatly stacked and my pencil on top. " Why are they stacked? I haven't finished them yet." I mumble to myself.  I sort out the papers on the island by class and walk to find Mark. " Mark? Where are you? I still have to edit your video." I feel 2 arms go around my waist and a warm chest presses itself against my back. A head finds its way to my shoulder and lays there. " You don't have to edit anything today or tomorrow for either of us. I'm going to." He whispers to me. I smile and face him. " I can edit my own stuff. You don't have to-" I start to say before I feel 2 lips gently press against mine.

Mark's POV
   I hear her start to protest but I cut her off with a kiss. " No. You're going to relax and take a break for a few days. Ok?" I ask. "Mark, I have stuff that needs to get done." " Nope! That's all invisible! It just poofed!" She smiles, "It doesn't work like that. I still have homework to do." I sigh and look at her with pleading eyes, " Please relax with me? You've been really stressed lately and I just wanna help." " I'll still have to go to the diner and record and work on college." " Lies!" I say jokingly. " You're off the next three days. You always have pre recorded videos. And, your on break right now." " Dam, I thought you would believe that." I hear her mutter under her breath. I laugh. " I know your schedules.". "Fine, I'll take a break. But! Only if you relax with me, Markimoo." " Deal!" I say excitedly. I kiss her happily. (Y/N) giggles. " I'm gonna change." She says quietly. I let her go and she climbs back upstairs. I walk into the kitchen and stack her papers back up and hide them so, she won't work on them for a few days. She walks back down and goes to the kitchen. I walk up behind her and lift her onto the kitchen island. She erupts into laughter and I stand in between her legs. I look at her and see that she's got on her Markiplier crop top that she made and black Spandex on. Her hair is still in a messy bun with some hair framing her face. She looks breathtakingly beautiful. " Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I ask her and she blushes. "Because you're absolutely breathtaking." I smile at her. "Th-Thanks love." (Y/N) studders. "You're welcome.What do you want to eat?" "I can make some- wait! What about some (fav/takeout/food)? Please?" She answers. "Sounds good. You wanna order?" She nods her head. I walk to the living room and put on (fav/show/movie). I run upstairs and get some blankets and pillows. I walk back and set everything down. "Hey (Y/N)! Can you please stay in the kitchen for a little bit?" "Yeah!" I make a big pillow fort that will easily fit both of us. I dim the lights and walk into the kitchen. (Y/N)'s sitting on the island writing something in her journal and she's smiling. I see her lips move with the words she's writing. 'Mark is so sweet. I don't deserve him.' "Sweetheart? You ok?" I ask softly. "Y-Yeah. Why? What's up?" "(Y/N). I don't believe you. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I start to feel nervous. "I-I don't know what's up. You didn't do anything, Mark. I promise." " Ok. When you want to talk about it, I'll listen. Now, next thing. I have a suprise for you." I gently pull her off the island and cover her eyes. "Hey! I can't see!" She shrieks playfully. " Just trust me, ok? I won't hurt you." I walk her into the living room and uncover her eyes. She gasps. "You made this?" (Y/N) turns to face me and I nod my head. "I thought we could have a movie night if you want. I'm cool with whatever you want to do." I reply. She hugs me gently and I hug her back. " I love it. Thank you." She says into my chest. I kiss her head and say, "You're welcome. I love you." "I love you too, Mark." She walks to the fort and gets comfy when, I hear the doorbell ring. " Chica! C'mere girl!" (Y/N) calls as Chica runs excitedly to her. I get the food, a couple forks, and something for us to drink. I walk to the fort and see my girl playing with my dog. I smile and sit down by her. " Hi Chica bica! How are you doing girl?" I ask the golden retriever. (Y/N) laughs and she grabs her food and drink. I hand her a fork and the remote. She hits play and the (movie/TV show) starts.


     I'm cuddling with (Y/N) when I look down at her to find her fast asleep. I smile and gently shake her awake. "Sweetheart? Can you please move a little?" I whisper. She moves off me so, I can stand up. I pick her up and carry us upstairs. I lay her down and lay by her. She curls up to me and lays her head on my chest. We fall asleep peacefully together.

1,196 words!!

Fandom fluff and smutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora