Chapter Ten

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@breaking420 I love you so much, I also love @jayson_727 for commenting and voting on all my chapters. I love you guys so much, I wouldn't be continuing this book is it wasn't for all of you who read my cringe ass story. Love y'all so fcking much!! 💚💚💚💚
~ James
I hear knocking on my door, breaking me away from my sleep.

I groan and get up from my bed, pausing Moana half way through the movie.

I get downstairs, and open the door.


I close the door, taking a deep breath.

Then I reopen the door and smile.

"H-hey, wh-what are y-you doing h-here?" I stutter through my sentence feeling nervous.

Did they see the cops? Of course they did idiot, they live next door!

"Me and," he stops pulling someone in front of the doorway, "Grayson here wanted to stop by and hang with you for awhile."

I steadied my breath and nodded, widening the opening so they could come in.

"Nice place." Grayson commented, I smiled and thanked him.

"So, um, where do y'all want to go. I can give you a to-"

"No, we should hang in your bedroom." I gasp

"U-uh, o-okay." I go up the stairs, them following behind me. Grayson being in front.

I walk to my door, I take in a deep, but shaky breath and open the door.


Y'all, I can't spell, so don't attack me. Don't hate.



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