Chapter 17

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We sit watching, To All The Boys I've Loved Before.

"So, if your little sister sent your love letters out, what would you do?" Grayson asks popping a piece of pop corn in his mouth.

"Well, if I got to meet Peter, then I'd hug her and kiss her. Cuz peter is fucking HAWT." I say winking.

They both laugh loudly and I forced out a painful laugh.

It was soft, strained, and cracked.

I didn't even smile while doing so.

It was like I was letting out a fucking huff.

"Well, I mean, Peter is fucking HAWT but, I like Grayson better." They pretend kiss and Ethan winks at him.

Then Grayson pushes him, "gross ass!"

I laugh, it wasn't forced or painful.

And it defiantly crack.

They both looked towards me and smiled, but then the smile turned into a smirks.

They crawled on the bed and I screamed.

"No! Please don't!" I press my back onto the headboard.

They both look at each other and attack me.

I was laughing so hard, "p-please s-s-stop."

I wiggle around and kick my legs.

Then they laugh and stop.

They high five each other and I tackle them to the ground.

"You assholes." I laugh and get up, jumping onto the bed.

"You can't sit on the bed now." I say, spreading my arms and legs out into a star fish position.

"Hey, no fair!" They yell.

I laugh and shake my head, "nope."

They both sit on me, "Get off!"

I push them and hit them.

"Let us sit on the bed." They say, Grayson grabs my hand before I punch him in the shoulder again.

He smiles a cheeky smile.

"Fine, now, get the fuck of me!" They roll of me and sit on the bed.

"Jeez, you guys way 2,000 pounds!" They both laugh.

I roll my eyes and continue watching the movie.

This chapter is so fucking cute I'm done.



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