Chapter 11

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We sit on my bed, I had to restart Moana which made me a bit pissed.

But soon we got to where I left off.

Then my phone rang, a beautiful song playing as the ringtone.


I hear heavy breathing in the back round scaring me a little.

J-James. It's aunty.

Her sobs filled the phone, giving me a slight headache.

"Aunty? What happened?"

Your mom, s-she just passed away.

The world stops, the movie goes quiet.

I can't hear the voices of Grayson or Ethan.

My phone slips out of my hand as tears slide down my face, some entering my mouth.

I let out a sob, then another, and another, before crying, causing the boys attention to be set on me.

Ethan rushed over to me, "W-what happened James? A-are you okay?" He stutters because of the fear he has.

"She's gone." I whisper quietly.


"She's fucking gone! I killed her, I made her do this!" I yell pulling my knees close to my chest, and I tuck my head in my arms.

"Who's gone?" Ethan asks, still oblivious to the situation.

"His fucking mom dumbass!" Grayson yells at Ethan pushing him off the bed.

He hugged me, squeezing me.

I cried onto him, making his shirt go damp.

"I-I'm sorry." I sob.

He pulls me closer, "sh, it's okay."

He rocks me back and forth, rubbing my head.

I soon stop crying. I fall asleep in his arms.

I hear him and Ethan arguing but I'm too tired to care at this point.

Yall this chapter is so fcking cute man. Grayson being all soft. You'll understand later in the book.



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