Chapter 2: Jeon Jungkook

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He walks with confidence; hands in his pocket. Looking around lips quirked up, licking his lips deliciously: not bad he said in the back of his head. Watching each human passed by him, sticking his nose inhaling the air were all the scent mixed up. His body tensed up as his expression darken. Until a small figure caught his attention, the boy is giggling cutely but the thing caught his full attention is how the boy giggled on his own and the weird part is -- his talking to himself.

Human these days...

He muttered as he continue to wandered around. He smirk mentally hearing how students gossiping about him, so most of them drooling over me... It will be easy for me to take a good quality of blood. He said to himself while showing his bunny smile, soon the hallway filled with squeals which annoyed jimin. Rolling his eyes at how pathetic his schoolmate are, throwing compliments here and there.

He walks straight to his locker to fetch his textbook, ignoring the annoying squeals. Jungkook tensed up once again there it is again the sweet scent that alluring him unknowingly. He follow where the scent come from and ding. He snorted with a chuckle, sauntering where the boy he saw earlier. His lips curves up in satisfaction feeding himself by the smaller scent.

Scanning the boy from head to toe, not bad. He said to himself nodding his head, the smaller suddenly tensed up. Oh~~ he can sense me -- interesting.

"You have a pair of beautiful eyes..." He whispered in deep raspy voice made the other flinch and distance himself. Lowering his head before he bowed and mumbled his thank you, walking away not sparing him a glance. He chuckled shaking his head in disbelief, he is something... He thought watching the smaller back go farther.


Jimin clutched his palpitating heart, trying to calm it down leaning against the wall to support his wobbling knees. The presence and voice of the boy gives him an unease feeling like they meet before: but for unknown reason his too scared to lift his head and make an eye contact to the taller one.

"JIMIN!! -- hey you okay?" his one and only friend hoseok call him gleefully but soon get worried after seeing the smaller state. Jimin flashed his eyesmile assuring his friend, shrugging all his thought about the new student -- hoping that he won't meet him again. But of course fate is so playful especially to him.

"I'm okay ... Nothing to worry about, anyway we should go and sit cuz in no time the others will arrive soon." He said holding hoseok hands.

"Do heard about the ne--"

"Yeah, I do and I'm a bit hmm annoyed, I don't get it, why those bitches scream their lungs out because of him, he's just a human after all nothing especially..." He babbled

"Why I can sense bitterness on your --"

"I'm not bitter hyung! I just don't get why they so whip over that guy."

Hoseok shrug his shoulder, "maybe because he's handsome..." Jimin glared the older as slump his head on his table looking outside the window. "Maybe it's just a mask..." He murmurs causing hoseok asks him what but he only shake his head as nothing.

Soon the room filled with students as the bell rang the teacher came in greeting them all warmly, her warm smile lighten up jimin's day. Her head crooked in jimin's and hoseok's direction made the two smile widely.

"I think you all know about the new student right?" She began half of the class are squealing and half are fussing, but jimin is frowning the whole time. Thanking the fate sarcastically for making their paths cross again. He let a long heave sighs which caught hoseok attention.

"Are you a hater now?" He whispered, it made jimin frowned deeply.

"I'm not -- I just don't like being with him..."

"You don't like being -- wait! Don't tell the two of you had past!"

"Sausage! For fox sake hyung! I don't know him, but I can't stand his presence or being near him..."

"Why?" Hoseok bewildered in Jimin's behavior it is the time first jimin avoid someone, especially a person he didn't even know. But on top of it he can't contain his laughter, he burst into fist of laugh hearing how his cute friend curse.

"What happened hoseok?" Ms. Lee asks confusingly all of a sudden hoseok was there laughing his butt out.

"Nothing, miss I just heard a hilarious joke from my friend over here." He said slumping his arm on jimin's shoulder.

"I see...but cut that off for now ‘coz I want you all pay attention to your new classmate, Mr. Jeon you can come in and introduce yourself." After Ms. Lee said it, a tall pale handsome man entered the room, all of them was froze in place, holding their breath only his footsteps can be heard.

He stands in the middle bowing his head, before flashing his bunny smile, and that's the trigger for everyone to lost their minds and squeal at the top of their lungs.

"Hello, everyone I'm Jeon Jungkook..."

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