Chapter 5 - Markus's POV - Nov 5th, 2038, 9:42pm

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Nov 5th, 2038

9:42 pm

"Good evening, Carl. Welcome back." Friday said as the three of us walked through the front door.

"That was by far the most boring party I've been to in the past twenty-five years." Carl told us once we were safe inside.

"Normally I would try and find good in any party but your not wrong." Clover replied to him. "Even the great booze and food was not worth it."

"Every time I go to one of these, I ask myself, what the hell am I doing here?" Carl asked.

"Preach." Clover said as she stripped off her jacket.

"I hate cocktail parties." Carl went on to complain about the party.

"But booze." Clover said as she stumbled forward a little in her tall heals.

She was clearly drunk, and I was starting to contemplate if I would have to bring her home or if I should set up the spare room.

"All the schoozers that go there." Carl replied to her.

"Well, it's a chance for all those people who admire your work to meet you." I reminded him.

"No one gives a damn about art." He told me as I removed his jacket.

I could not help but notice how sad Clover became by his comment.

"All they care about is how much money they're gonna make out of it." Carl said as I pushed him into the living room.

"Come on, lets have a drink." Carl told us. "All the excitement of this whole thing has made me thirsty."

"Agreed." Clover said excitedly.

I did a quick scan of her vitals and decided it was safe for her to have another drink.

"Scotch neat as usual?" I asked Carl even though I knew his answer.

"Absolutely." He replied.

"Okay. But you know what your doctor would say." I reminded him that he's not supposed to be drinking.

"Yeah...Well, he can kiss my ass! I'm old enough to choose my own medication." He told me.

Clover laughed at his comment, as I poured two glasses. Even though Clover didn't ask for one I knew she wanted one and I would never forget about Clover. She almost never asked me for anything. I think she felt guilty as if I wasn't made to serve. I handed the two of them there drinks.

"Thank you." She said as she took her glass from me.

"Did you leave the light on in the studio?" Carl asked me.

"No...No, I'm sure I didn't." I answered him.

Clover suddenly stood tall as if the presence of possible danger instantly brought her back to sobriety. She looked at the door and then finished her drink in one large gulp before placing it down.

"Call the police." Carl told me.

"I am the police." Clover said to him.

"Your off duty unarmed and drunk. Lets call someone who can handle this situation." Carl told her and I could not help but agree with him so I quickly made the call before Clover could do something reckless.

"Detroit Police, what's your emergency?" A female voice on the other line asked.

"This is Carl Manfred's android, at 8941 Lafayette Avenue. We've just returned home and found the lights on. There may have been a break-in." I told her.

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