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Taeyong's POV
Eunbyul pulled and away examined Taeyong's face.

"Why are you crying Taeyong? Is everything alright?" Eunbyul asked worriedly and wiped away the tears on his face.

Taeyong said nothing and pulled Eunbyul into an embrace.

"I missed you. I missed you so much Eunbyul. I'm happy that you're with me again..." Taeyong said with a shaky voice.

More tears started streaming down his face and Eunbyul could feel that her back was wet.

Eunbyul slowly placed her hands on Taeyong's back and hugged him too.

She started patting his back and comforting him.

"Taeyong... I don't understand. Have we met before?"

Taeyong pulled away and placed his hands on Eunbyul's shoulders.

He looked deep into Eunbyul's eyes.

"You really don't remember right?" Taeyong asked her.

"Taeyong, I'm serious. I don't remember." Eunbyul told him.

They took a seat on Eunbyul's bed and Taeyong started explaining everything.

There was an awkward silence before Taeyong spoke.

"Do you remember now?"

He looked at Eunbyul and was shocked.

"Omo, are you alright?" Taeyong started wiping tears off of Eunbyul's face just like how she did for him.

Eunbyul placed her arms around Taeyong's shoulders and hugged him.

"I missed you too Taeyong." Eunbyul whispered into Taeyong's ear.

"I'm happy that you remember... and that you're hear with me now." Taeyong smiled widely.

"Eunbyul-ah, we should go now. We don't want Ara and Haeul to wait that long and be late for the party." Taeyong said.

"Ok.." Eunbyul started wiping the excess tears off of her face and around her eyes.

Taeyong smiled at her once last time and they exited the house.

"What took so long?" Ara asked the pair.

"Uh... re doing my makeup to match the outfit.." Eunbyul stated.

"But you have the exact same look as before on your face." Haeul pointed out.

"Aiya aiya whatever..." Ara nudged Haeul signaling for her to stop.

"Ohhh..." Haeul said with a smile on her face.

They sat in the car in silence waiting to arrive at Yuta's house.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the car after Taeyong and Eunbyul came in.

They eventually arrived and all entered Yuta's house.

Everyone partied happily and was very amused all the way through the end of the party.

They danced, ate, played games, and most importantly, celebrated the moment.

Time flew by and before they knew it, the sun has already set and it was dark.

People started filing out of the house one by one, until it was only Taeyong and Eunbyul left, with Yuta and Mijoo.

UNSPOKEN | NCT TAEYONG | Discontinued?¿Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang