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Taeyong's POV
Taeyong walked away as quickly as possible. He relived the moment again and again but he couldn't understand why he wanted to relive the moment.

Taeyong-ah you still love her right?

But you can't...

She's a monster

Taeyong, listen to yourself...

Taeyong put on a confident look on his face and walked out of the school, as if everything was fine.

Eunbyul's POV
After that brief moment of eye contact, Eunbyul felt a pang of shock in her heart.

The stare lasted for a few seconds although it felt like eternity.

Eunbyul recalled the moment, remembering every single second of it.

It hurt her on the inside so much she wanted to break down right then and there.

She missed him so much but felt wrong to think about him as he didn't love her anymore.

Eunbyul collapsed onto the floor and slowly cried her eyes out.

She didn't care how much time passed by or if she received any stares.

The only thing that mattered to her was how she felt and it wasn't right for her to hide it.

The rest of the school day was a blur.

She couldn't stop thinking about Taeyong during class and got distracted easily.

Even Ara, Mijoo, and Haeul realized something was wrong but Eunbyul denied it.

When school ended, Eunbyul quickly packed up her things and rushed home avoiding everyone.

She unlocked the front door, ran up the stairs, and into her room.

The familiar scent of vanilla brought nostalgia and she threw her backpack onto the ground.

Eunbyul jumped face down onto her bed and tears started pouring out of her eyes.

Her hands made its way to her face and wiped off all the sad little tears.

Eunbyul rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

My life is a lie... I thought love was real and I could achieve it...

Turns out dreams never come true...

I guess...

Buckets of tears continuously flowed down her cheeks and wet her sheets.

Eunbyul couldn't stop crying and thinking about him.

As evening came by, her mom came home.

She hopped out of her bed quickly, wiped her tears away one last time, and pretended she was being productive.

Taeyong's POV
Taeyong strolled out of the house into the freezing winter nights with a thick jacket over his hoodie.

He shoved his bony hands into his pockets violently and sped walk to the closest bus station.

Snow was getting kicked everywhere with Taeyong's shoes and he waited impatiently.

Taeyong was tired of standing outside the dark snowy night. So he entered the convenience store behind the bus stop.

He walked over to the coffee machine to make himself a cup of coffee to warm himself up.

While he headed towards the coffee machine, Winwin was found standing in front of it as well.

Taeyong noticed it was Winwin but Winwin noticed that Taeyong was there before him.

"Hi Taeyong." Winwin said with a wide smile.

"Uh... hi Winwin..."

Taeyong nervously walked towards the coffee machine, avoiding eye contact with Winwin.

Winwin causally striked up conversation and got into a different topic soon, "So Taeyong, I heard what happened between you and Eunbyul."

Taeyong froze and stopped mixing his coffee.

Winwin took a sip of his coffee and Taeyong slowly looked up at him.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Winwin said with a gesture.

"No, it's fine."

Taeyong avoided all eye contact and headed towards the cashier.

He pulled out a $5 bill and placed it on the smooth clear counters.

"Keep the change," Taeyong ran out of the store and into the bus that was there.

Winwin ran out of the convenience store as well to see the bus leave without him.

Winwin and Taeyong made one last moment of eye contact through the windows of the bus after it left.

The bus stopped in front of the hospital and Taeyong got off.

He entered the hospital and went straight to the room where his brother was staying.

Eunbyul's POV
Eunbyul silently laid in bed thinking and thinking.

All the memories were coming back at her, making her think too much about the past.

Do you think about me too?


YEAH SO UM. IM BACK?¿ AFTER LIKE 10 MONTHS BC OF SCHOOL🤧🤧 issok I'm hoping to get this ff done so I can start new ones I had in my mind for a year now haha 😂 the ending of unspoken should be fairly easy as I already know what's gonna happen but it's gonan take me quite some time to get to the place of event I want 😅😅 issok, with time we'll get there ;)) srry for the short chapter ahhh😬😬


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