6 months in

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Tweek groaned as he tried to get out of bed. The weekends are so much easier than weekdays with craig to help him out with everything. Yep, he practically lives with the tuckers. Only because his own parents are shitty and disided to go overseas after they found out about the baby. Not that Craig's family minds, because they really don't. They love tweek here. Even when Tricia got sick and couldn't go to school, she was very helpful to tweek--even though he told her to rest up.

He only managed to get her to rest when he told her he didn't want to get himself sick. She got better faster after resting up. Craig showers tweek with love and helps him when he has to morning sickness. Or anything that tweek needs. It's been a long 6 months, and it's also time for a monthly check up. Mrs. Tucker has graciously took a day off work to take tweek. He still thanks her profusely. She smiles at him, she's really glad for every thing that's happened.

Tweek put off finding the baby's gender until today, because his anxiety got the better of him. He wanted craig to come but he had a super important test that could help out his grades a lot. "Tweek? The doctor will see you now." Mrs. Tucker squeezed tweek's hand in reassurance bad the entered to room.


"You are going to be the proud parent of a little girl." Dr. Sarah said,showing the baby's face in the ultra sound. Tweek broke out into happy tears as he got hugged by Craig's mom. She smiled and soothed him. 


"We're having a girl!" Craig stopped functioning for a minute before smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. "Oh my god! Hey there princess, its your dad. We can't wait to meet you. You aren't here yet and so many people love you more than you can imagine." Craig said to tweek's stomach, kissing it. Tweek giggled then gasped,"She kicked! She heard you." Craig sat tweek down then Tricia came to what the commotion was about.

"What I'd miss?" She asked. "You're going to be an aunt to a baby girl. Also she kicked hearing Craig's voice." Tweek said softly. Tricia sat next to craig on the floor talking to the baby. Tweek laughed at their similar behavior. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker saw how differently their lives are now. Since they took tweek in, they've learned how to become more like a family and they show more emotions than they used to. Tweek really has changed this family for the better.

((yay! Next chappy is the birth of a baby girl! <33) 

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