Meet Bella Rose

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((Happy Friday! I haven't updated due to me just starting school but here we go!))

_______________( a while after the birth)________________

"How adorable!" "Oh my gosh how cute!" "Holy shit, that really is the span of craig and tweek." "Isn't she the cutest?" "Hey there little Bella, I'm your uncle clyde." "This defies the every law of science." "No shit kyle." "Shut it kenny."

Tweek went to visit to his friends at school during lunch to show off the baby. The girls are losing their minds. "She's so cute, oh my god. She'll grow up to be beautiful." Bebe said. Tweek smiled as he held his child, "Wait- you haven't seen her eyes open yet, have you?" The girls shook their head. Tweek giggled, "Take a look then." Right as he said that, Bella awoke and yawned and opened her little eyes. One eye was as deep blues as Craig's and the other was a bright green like tweek's.

This made all the girls lose it. Tweek chuckled as he nuzzled his baby gently and she shifted a little. She looked around curiously. "Aww, hey little Bella. I'm your auntie Bebe." Bebe cooed. Bella looked at Bebe with her mix-matched eyes for a little before tears started to form. Bebe gasped, unsure why she upset the baby. "Look what you did Bebe, your clown make up scarred her." Kenny retorted. She huffed and tried to smack his smug face. "Sh,sh,sh. It's ok Bella. I'm here. Mama's got you." Tweek cooed quietly. Bella instantly looked much happier. She yawned again before closing her eyes.

"Oh, what a sleepy girl,Bella." Tweek mumbled jokingly. Bella nuzzled into tweek's chest. He has developed boobs for breast feeding Bella but they aren't as big as most women's chest are. It's just enough to help tho. Craig suddenly slammed the lunchroom doors open before 'walking' up to tweek,"Sorry I'm late honey. Coach beck had to fill me in for the-Oh! You brought Bella?" Craig held out his arms like a greedy child. Tweek snorted and handed the baby over to craig. He eagerly held his child. She slept a lot, along with being fed at 2 in the morning for no reason.

The stoic boy went to sit next to clyde and token. Also giving the guys a chance to admire his kid. All the while the girls practically interrogated tweek. "How is life as a parent?" "Are you sure that adorable baby is Craig's?" "How did you get pregnant in the first place?" That last question was from kyle. Tweek wanted to laugh at kyle. "I had sex kyle. How else can you get pregnant?" Tweek retorts with no malice. Kyle looks at him if he's lying. "For fuck's sakes kyle, I have a uterus. I didn't get pregnant before was because-....-You all should remember to use protection. If not, you'll end up like me. With a baby."

Kyle nods, he was expecting to here something more interesting. He's not sure why he's jealous. Maybe he just wants Stan to man up and finally ask kyle to fu-"Kyle, you're frowning." Kenny says walking to the red head. Kyle shakes his head as if to refresh himself. The girls questioned the blond boy for a while before he hears Bella's cries. Tweek instantly went to Bella and saw that cartman was there. He was trying to take the baby. One moment tweek was standing in shock, the next moment his fist was in Cartman's face. A loud crack was heard as the fat boy fell back. "DON'T. TOUCH. MY BABY." Tweek growled. 

He quickly took the baby from craig,"We're going home now." Craig was about to say something but tweek cut him off,"Kenny, tell Mr. Mackey why Craig's gone and bring his homework to his house after school." Kenny salutes and heads towards the office. Craig makes no effort to fight and follows tweek. The lunch bell rings and everyone scurries off to class. Cartman is passed out on the floor. Nobody bothers to help him.


The baby has been fed and changed comfortably. Trisha and Mrs. Tucker took her to Trisha's room, leaving craig and tweek in the living room alone. "You really think of this place as your home?" Craig asks. He pulls tweek onto his lap cozily. Tweek leans back into craig, pushing him further into the soft couch. He nods,"Well...yeah. Your family is now my family. My parents left as soon as they heard the news and I practically live here so...." Craig nuzzled his face into the crook of Tweek's neck. The smaller boy hums affectionately. "I love you." Craig says.

It's not the first time they've said the three words but it warms tweek's heart anyhow."You are so perfect. I love you Soo much. You have no idea how much I love you. You stood your ground when you found out about your parents reaction and even gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I love her and you more than words can explain. You two are my world. One day soon, I'm going to get a great job and get you a nice house to raise the baby. I might even work at home, I don't want to miss my daughter growing up now." Craig said soothingly. Tweek flushed,"I love you craig tucker." Craig smiled cheekily and kissed his boyfriend,"I'm going to marry you one day." Tweek smiled, he knew. He knew they would marry. But for now, they have a baby to take care of.


((Woop woop! It's finished! I honestly hope you enjoyed the story. This was one of my fav stories to write. The next chappy will be a bonus one. It will take place a few years later. Hehe, thanks for the views and comments. I love you all! See ya later!))

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