Baby girl

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((Author: Buckle up Kitties, this is gonna be the best one yet,I hope you're ready because I sure am! Sqweeeee! Enjoy the chappy!))

February 13th started off as any other normal day. Craig would get up around 6, tweek would whimper in his sleep and try to reach out for craig, craig would give in and go back into the bed for another 10 minutes before really getting up and getting ready, Tricia would be sitting on the couch texting,craig would grab something small-usually a poptart, they would leave for school, tweek and Mrs. Tucker would get up and get breakfast, Mr. Tucker would leave for work and then the day was tweek's. He would normally clean the house, he always had the urge to clean for some reason. Craig was the same, before the baby, craig practically lived in a trash can. Now, however, he wanted nothing more than to please tweek with a clean, cozy room.

Tomorrow was valentine's day and the house was decorated accordingly. Tricia wanted to make a valentine for tweek so when she came home early, that's why she sped to her room. Tweek started to learn knitting and he already made little shoes for the baby. The yarn was really soft, so soft craig asked tweek to make him a new chullo, because in all honesty- Craig's current hat was really old and barely wearable. So that is what he's currently making. He's also gonna make clyde some mittens, token a scarf, and jimmy some socks.

At first he thought that knitting was for old ladies,but he really finds it soothing now. The baby is kicking contently every so often to tweek's singing. He never thought of every really ever being ready to make his own family. He thought that having kids would be to much, but now....."Hey honey, I'm home." Craig greeted softly. Tweek looked up from the hat he was making to give craig a kiss. Leaning in more, craig deepened it. They broke apart and smiled, both extremely content. "How was school love?" Tweek asked, putting the half-made chullo in a bag along with his knitting supplies.

Craig sighed and took off his jacket and backpack, moving it into a corner. He sat next to tweek and rubbed his belly. "It was ok. Clyde was crying again, Bebe cheated on him for kenny. And he barely got into a thing with butters too. Token had to calm clyde down while kenny got the shit beet out of him by butters. I recorded it too, the funniest shit I've seen." Tweek giggled and leaned on Craig's shoulder then sighed unevenly.

"What?" Craig noticed the sigh instantly. Tweek smiled warmly at his stomach, "I think the baby will be born tomorrow." Craig tenced up,"Really?! Are you having contractions?!?" Tweek laughed,"No stupid, I just have a hunch that our baby will be with us tomorrow." Craig sighed in relief before smiling himself, "I bet you're right." Then craig leaned down to tweek's big belly,"How 'bout it princess? You going to be with us tomorrow? I think your mama is right,baby."

Tweek giggled as very noticeable kicks were happening,"She's totally gonna be a daddy's girl." Craig chuckled and nuzzled his stomach,"I hope so. I'll be the only boy in her life- well besides you." Tweek rolled his eyes,"Yeah... Oh my god, I can imagine you threating all of her boyfriends or whatever she likes. That is so funny to think about." Craig smiled at the thought," I probably would tho. But, thankfully that won't happen for a long time." Tweek smiled.


10:00 p.m

"AH! My water broke!"

The Tucker family has never been so fast to the hospital.






"I'm sorry kid, but only the father can go in." "I AM THE FATHER! THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!"

"R-Right. O-ok. You can go in-" "Oh thank god!"



















"Deep breaths honey, you can do it. I believe in you." "NNNGH!!!"

"It's ok honey, remember, we wanna see our baby." "*panting* y-yeah."
























"Just a few more pushes love, we're finally going to meet our baby." 




























(*Baby cries*) (*doctors cleaning baby and tweek up*)

"You did so good honey. I love you Soo much. You did it. I'm so proud of you." 

"Thank you..... I did it." "You did....Look."

Tweek was given the baby. She was beautiful. She had almost white hair on her little head. Craig cooed and kissed tweek.

"What is her name?" A nurse asked.

"Bella Rose Tweak Tucker" Tweek said with a smile.




This.... This was truly a day to remember.

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