T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"I'm falling. I'm falling. In love with you"

I was crying. Crying non-stop. I wanted to die. I can't live without Dallas.

"Winter, shhh," Darry said trying his best to comfort me but he never could.

Only Dallas could.

I was about to fall asleep when I saw her. I saw the doctor.

"Dallas Winston?" she said and I got up slowly.

I headed over to her and she didn't say anything. She just walked away and I followed.

We soon got to a room and I walked in to see Dallas. His eyes were shut and he looked peaceful. I walked over and a tear slipped from my face. Soon another and then another. I was crying.

"I'll leave you be now," the doctor said and walked out. Leaving me alone.

I crawled into the bed with him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed his jaw and buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I love you, Dallas Winston," I said sadly and cried.

"I should've told you. I wanted to surprise you and now you're dead. All cause of me. All cause I wanted to surprise you. God, I'm so dumb. I need you though. I need you more than anything. I need you Dallas. I need you in order to go on. Why did you go?" I muttered quietly.

I moved up more and ran my fingers through his hair.

"When you asked me to marry you I thought you were joking. I was too when I said yes..."

"We're both so young. I didn't want to marry just yet but now...I don't think I can move on" I said quietly and slipped my hand into his.

"I love you Dallas Tucker Winston. I mean it. I meant it so much. Dally"

"God I can't do it anymore. I love it when you call me Dally"

I looked up to see he was staring back at me. I started to cry and he wiped my tears. (Why can't my life be this happy? Oh, I know. This is a figment of my imagination...)

"Don't cry now Angel" he said smiling and I shook my head.

"You know how you call me Angel right?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"I need to give you a nickname" I smirked lightly and buried my head in his chest.

"Alright then. What do you have I mind?"



"Why not?"

"I hate my middle name" he snapped and I cried.

"Oh Angel, don't cry. I didn't mean to snap at ya" he said holding my hand and I smiled.

"I like Tucker. It makes you sound like you aren't so tuff. You are tuff believe me but, it doesn't make you sound all that bad. It makes you sound...safe"

"You know I'm not safe," he said kissing my head.

"Yeah. That's kinda why I'm pregnant" I said and he chuckled.

"You said it was okay"

"Well shh"

He laughed and kissed me gently.

"When you said you only said yes as a joke I meant it. I want to marry you. I want you to be mine so you can never leave me. I know it sounds creepy or whatever but I love you. I couldn't see myself with anyone else. So what do you say, Winter Angel Curtis? Will, you marry me"


"Oh...ok," he said sadly and I chuckled.

"No, because that's not my name"

"What do you mean?"

"It's Winter Angel Winston. Texas" I smirked and he smirked back.

"You're hot. Also, I like the nickname"

"Really?!" I asked happily and he nodded kissing me slowly but passionately.

"I love you Winter"

"I love you Dallas"

Needed some fucking happiness in my night...Stay Gold I guess.

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