01 • issues

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for those who are solely interested in the smut, chapter 09 • flexibility will surely pique your interest.

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UP UNTIL RECENT times, Levi Ackerman never had an issue with his boyfriend's job as a stripper at the local gay bar. He knew it was Eren's method to relieve the stress and tension that built up over the weeks; a technique that proved to be much more effective than shoving a dick up his ass. And Levi couldn't deny the fact that he enjoyed the display the younger hosted each and every Friday night, the way his butt wiggled in temptation as his long, long legs wrapped around a stainless steel pole.

Ever since Eren admitted his dirty little secret, Levi had happily taken him to the bar, sitting back and observing the younger as he tested his limits of flexibility—while also keeping an eye on all the older, perverted businessmen looking for a good time; ensuring that they kept their filthy paws off his treasure. It never grew to be a serious concern, but that was before Eren switched to a brand-new program—an entire performance that required him to be clad in tight, black lingerie while humping one of his fellow co-workers.

Since the debut of the show, Levi swore the number of antsy businessmen and political heroes had multiplied, and they were creeping closer and closer to his reckless boyfriend, who didn't have a care in the world as long as he could shake his ass in front of a crowd—the same boyfriend who was currently applying eyeliner and mascara for this night's show.

Levi sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as he glanced at the clock hoisted on the wall of their cheap apartment bedroom—an apartment they could only afford due to Eren's generous salary. "Oi, Bright Eyes," he said. "We have to leave soon if you want to make it on time."

"Please," his boyfriend scoffed, finishing up with a swift applying of eyeshadow, "I am the star of that damn show. They can patiently wait for my fabulous ass."

    The star of that show... the show that enticed so many men—Levi included—and a show that confirmed two of his greatest fears. One, people were noticing Eren, and it was only a matter of time before the boy realized that Levi wasn't the only fish in the sea; and two, there was a part of Levi, a part he never knew he possessed, that wanted to lock Eren up and keep him for himself, that wanted to isolate him from the outside world, that wanted to deny him the pleasures of stripping.

Levi walked up behind Eren, who stood in front of the mirror, and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, resting his forehead against his shoulder. He sighed. "Eren, remember that I love you."

The boy froze for a moment before shaking Levi off and pulling away. Without looking him in the eye, Eren grabbed his keys and bag, saying, "Come on, Levi. We have to hurry if I want to be on time."

He knew he hurt Levi and he felt absolutely awful. But then he remembered what he saw at the bar the other day, a sight that made him sick to his stomach, and he reminded himself that Levi deserved this treatment. And yet... Eren couldn't help it.

"I'll suck you off on the way to the bar."

Those words drove Levi out the front door faster than one could say midget.

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so... that was the first chapter of my newest ereri/riren fanfiction.

time to tag some bitches:


words: 571

i really hope you guys enjoyed it, and if you did remember to vote and comment because i adore getting feedback from you guys!!

and share this story with every ereri-shipper and non-ereri-shipper, because why the hell not?!

à bientôt!

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