10 • acceptance

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IT WAS NEARING two o'clock in the morning. The bar was still in full swing with the revelry of inebriate and horny patrons. But in one of the dressing rooms at the back of the building, two boys were still curled together on a couch, lazily running their hands over each other, neither saying a word. They were simply savoring each other's presence; two souls entwined to form one. They were content, happy, and no secrets laid between them. Well... almost.

    "So," Levi sighed, planting a kiss on the younger's forehead. "I have been meaning to talk to you about something."

    The sentence perked Eren's interest. After the night he had had tonight and the events that led to it, he knew he had nothing serious to worry about. But he couldn't help but start to worry, start to assume, start to wonder. He lifted his head from his boyfriend's chest, brows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

Levi bit his bottom lip. "So, I heard that blond coconut friend of yours quit. If I remember correctly, tonight was his last performance."

Eren nodded warily. "Yeah. He realized this isn't the life he wants to live. He wants to go back to school, study politics or some shit. He wants to make something out of his life. Why bring this up? You usually don't give a shit about other people's problems unless it benefits you in some way."

A smile tugged at the corner of the older's lips, and he ran a hand down Eren's back. "A few days ago," he began, "Hanji called me and asked if I wanted to replace Coconut's place as a stripper. They then continued on reciting a list of pros and cons, about how much money I would make, and the fact that I would get to spend a lot of time with you. And when they finished, I told them I would think about it."

Eren's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. "And you're only telling me now?!"

Levi held up his hands in mock defense. "I wanted to tell you—trust me—but you were throwing your little hissy fit and giving me the cold shoulder." A tiny blush tinted the stripper's cheeks, and the older chuckled. "But that's not important. I want to hear your opinion, Eren. Do you think I should take the job?"

A shrug. "I don't know. Do you think your back can handle the pressure, old man?"

Unimpressed, said old man raised a brow. "If I can pick up your fat ass, then stripping should be a breeze."


He laughed. "I'm joking. Um, but seriously now. Should I become a stripper? It'll bring in more money. We could save up, move into a better apartment. And we'll spend more time together," a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Think of all the exciting situations we'll find ourselves in."

Eren rolled his eyes. "I swear to God... um, but to answer your question,"—he laid his cheek on his boyfriend's chest—"I certainly don't object to you becoming a stripper. I believe it could be beneficial for our future; a good opportunity for both of us. But when it comes down to it, it's your choice. I'm not against it. I think you'd make a wonderful stripper."

Levi nodded. "Alright, then."

• • •

WALKING WITH A crippled Eren on his back, Levi Ackerman made his way down the corridor to Hanji's office. A comfortable silence surrounded them as they wandered. Hanji's office was located on the end of the hallway—marked by the image of a silhouetted bunny and an iron plate with their name on. Levi didn't even bother knocking before he threw the wooden door open, leaning against the threshold—careful of Eren's legs around his waist. Hanji was seated behind their desk, intently staring at a heap of documents as if they murdered their mother. Probably a bunch of bills.

"Oi, shitty glasses."

They looked up, wide-eyed. Then they took in Eren's appearance—all the hickeys and bite-marks and his disheveled hair—and a suggestive smirk tugged at their lips. "Had fun, didn't you, boys?"

    Eren groaned, burying his face in the older's neck. Levi found the boy's embarrassment to be beyond adorable. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Damn right, we did," Unfazed, Levi readjusted the boy on his back. "Um, two things, Hanji. One, I'm kidnapping your best stripper for the rest of the night."

    They shrugged. "It's fine. I doubt he can perform with those sore hips of his. Isn't that right, Eren?"

"Shut up," the younger muttered, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.

    "And another thing," Levi continued. He took a deep breath, avoiding the brunet's curious eyes. "I also wanted to let you know that I'll take the job. Thanks for the opportunity, I guess."

A screech reverberated through the small office as Hanji leapt up from their seat. They dashed across the room, but before they could engulf the older in a hug—oh, no, never mind, they managed to awkwardly hug him, careful of the injured Eren. "Ah! I'm so excited! I was just going through the schedules and we really need more dancers. Thank you, Levi!"

"You're welcome," he patted their back, highly uncomfortable.

When they finally released him, Levi readjusted Eren before nodding. "We'll be going now. Please send me the details later."

Without hearing Hanji's reply, he turned and made a beeline for the door.

    "Wait!" Hanji called after them. "You can't leave yet. You can't leave the readers unsatisfied. A kiss! At least give them a kiss!"

    "Suck a cock, Hanji!"

• • •

THE COOL NIGHT air was a much needed relief from the stuffy club. In the parking lot, Levi placed Eren on the concrete ground, leaning him against the side of their car for support. Zero words were exchanged as the older reached up on his tip toes and delicately pressed his lips on those of his lover. Their lips gently caressed each other's, projecting the amount of love the couple shared. Before they got too carried away, Levi pulled away, leaning his forehead on Eren's.

"I forgot to tell you back in the dressing room," he said, "but I love you too, Eren."

• • •

this was the final chapter of this fanfiction and i honestly didn't think i would be so sad to finish it.

however, i will be publishing a bonus chapter...

words: 1034

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