03 • propositions

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STROBE LIGHTS FLICKERED across the floor of the bar, young twinks in skimpy outfits pranced around the room serving drinks, whereas others were climbing up and down those sweet, sweet steel poles. Levi was practically swimming through a sea of restless bodies, trying to get to the booth in the back that the owner specially reserved for him. His legs still felt like wet spaghetti after what happened in the car, but he managed to keep himself upright until he reached the booth, plopping down onto the rich, upholstered leather seat.

He closed his eyes, content.


He scowled, annoyed.

Plopping down next to him was none other than the brown-haired owner of the joint, Hanji Zoë. They were dressed in a tight, black dress that showed far too much skin, so much so that one would believe them to be one of the strippers. They grinned and gave the midget a bone-crushing hug. He would've punched them in the face were it not a risk to Eren's employment.

"What do you need, Hanji?" He asked, pushing the whirlwind of a person away.

They ignored the question, rather leaning back with their arms crossed behind their head, legs propped up onto the table. "You know, I wondered whether or not you'd show up tonight."

"Eren's performing tonight. Of course I'd be here."

"Right," they nodded. "Over-protective boyfriend and shit. Should've guessed."

Levi remained silent. He thought if he said nothing, Hanji might buzz off, but that was not correct.

Their eyes slowly crawled over to the male, and a smirk tugged at the corner of their lips. "Have you given any thought to my offer yet? Besides, you know, imagining my head being chopped off."

Levi rolled his eyes. "I told you from the start, Hanji, that I'm not interested in your boy-parade. I'm simply here to make sure that none of these pedophiles lay a hand on my boyfriend."

"Pedophiles," Hanji nodded. Don't you dare! "Coming from a guy who's nearly nineteen years older than his lover."

"Oh, go suck a cock, Hanji!"

They laughed and jumped up, placing their hands on their hips. "Well, I should go check if everything is still running smoothly. Eren should be up in a few minutes. Enjoy the show, short stuff!"

"Yeah, whatever."

• • •

once again, thank you for taking your precious time to read this complete and utter piece of trash!

words: 384

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