04 • strip

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" a voice boomed over the speakers; one that could only belong to Hanji's partner in crime and co-owner of the joint, Marco Bodt. "It's the moment you have all been anticipating! Presenting the Cadets, performing 'Attack on Titan'!"

Immediately, the base dropped and smoke billowed across the small stage erected in the middle of the room. As two scrawny figures walked out, both dressed in a white, button-up shirt, a pair of tear-away spandex, and a black tie strung around their necks, the crowd went wild. One of the figures, Levi identified as Eren. The other was a skinny blond boy with blue eyes; a boy who slightly resembled a coconut. I think Eren said his name is Arin... Armer... Armin! Right, his name is Armin.

The two of them started moving in sync to the beat, swinging their hips as they glided across the floor. The first article of clothing to go was the spandex, tossed towards the cheering audience. Levi was so mesmerized by the younger's movements that he almost didn't notice the hungry eyes travelling up and down his boyfriend's delectable body. Almost. He gritted his teeth and dug his nails into the palms of his hands. Don't lose it, Levi, he reminded himself. You promised Eren that you'd put up with his choice of lifestyle. He's not worth losing because you couldn't keep your jealousy in check!

Next to fly off the stage were the boys' shirts, leaving both of them in nothing but tight lacy panties and the silken ties. As Eren and Armin started swinging around a pole, their muscular legs all over the place, Levi could admit that a benefit of having a stripper as a boyfriend was being blessed with that tight ass and those rippling abs. Levi could feel his body heating up, his heart thundering in his chest, as he watched Eren.

Sweet baby Jesus, I can't believe Hanji wants me to join these loons.

The performance finally came to an end and Levi was relieved to see Eren still wearing underwear... no matter how revealing it may be. That's the only condition he had had if he was going to allow his lover to strip. Up on stage, Eren and Armin were grinning like a bunch of morons as they scurried around to collect all the dollar bills that had rained down upon them.

Eren gazed out over the crowd until his eyes met Levi's, and he gave the most breathtaking smile the older had ever seen. He looks so happy, Levi realized. Up on the stage, without a care, without a complaint, without a worry; a wild animal that had been set free.

He's so young.

After gathering all their money, Eren and Armin hurriedly returned backstage to get dressed and to receive a word of praise from Hanji. Levi remained in his seat, waiting for his boyfriend to finish up while also attempting to extinguish the burning rage inside; one that grows stronger and stronger every time he hears a comment spill from the large audience, a comment that both insults and sexualizes Eren.

"I wouldn't mind having that little slut bend over for me."

"How much is it to rent them by the hour?"

"You think they'd be up for a threesome?"

"Doesn't matter. Once I get my hands on them..."



At the sound of Eren's voice, Levi immediately relaxed a bit. Eren has always affected him like that; ever since Levi took him in off the streets when he was fifteen. He remembered how messed up the boy was—he was so skinny and filthy and beaten and bruised... so much so that when Levi had finally cleaned the kid up, he was surprised to find a sweet, young boy with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

Levi looked up to see that same young boy, now nearly five years older, weaving through the crowd. Eren had only thrown on a pair of sweatpants and Levi could see the sweat glistening off his sculpted chest. Oh God... he held his breath as he felt his cock twitch. So beautiful.

Eren was about ten feet away from him when Levi witnessed, as if in slow motion, the most revolting sight he had ever seen. Muscular arms wrapped around his boyfriend's slim waist, pulling him flush against the chest of a fairly large man with a mop of greasy blond hair and a pair of the most untamed eyebrows he had ever laid eyes on.

Eren's expression held nothing but surprise as he glanced up at the older male. Levi waited for him to start pulling away, to start fighting... but he didn't. He didn't. No, rather he turned back to look Levi in the eye, before he smirked—smirked—and started grinding his ass against the stranger's crotch, in time to the music that just started thundering.

• • •

i guess some bitches gonna die!

words: 821

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