08 • assumptions

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AND JUST LIKE that, Eren was pissed. How come Levi was allowed to fuck around with whoever the hell he wanted to and then get mad because Eren was satisfying one of his customer's needs? It's not fair; not fair at all. And with a sudden burst of confidence, he let the little man who still had him pinned against the door know precisely what's on his mind.

    "Relax, Levi." Eren drawled with a roll of his eyes. "It was just a bit of teasing."

    Suddenly, a hand slammed down right next to Eren's head, making the door shake on its hinges and fear, once again, consume the younger's being. Levi glared up at the brat who had smart-mouthed him—the brat who suddenly couldn't meet his gaze.

    So... he was pissed too.

    "I don't know what the hell has been running through your head these days, Eren," Levi snarled, "but that sure as hell was not teasing. That was you deliberately rubbing up against a stranger to provoke some kind of reaction from me. Was that it? Or do you rather want to be a slut? A cheater? Damn brat."

    With that, Levi pulled away, running a hand through his hair as he started pacing around the room. Eren stayed against the door, catching his breath, processing his lover's words.

    "You know, I don't get it," Levi continued. "I don't get you. I've done everything you've ever wanted me to do; a lot more than you'd ever know! I took you in off the streets, gave you food and clothing, gave you a home and even bailed you out of jail," he sighed, closing his eyes. "I love you. I reciprocated your feelings, Eren, and I accepted you. I accepted your faults and imperfections and kinks and your request to be a goddamn stripper, even though it bugs the shit out of me that every other stranger whacks off to the image of you. Nevertheless...

    "So why, Eren?" Levi cupped his lover's cheek. "Why do you disregard my one wish, my feelings for you, and... and cheat?"

    Cheat... at that word, Eren finally had enough. He didn't give a crap about Levi's monologue, about his oh-so-sad sob-story, about his emotions... because Levi was the cheater. He was the one who was unfaithful. He was the one who messed around with another girl behind his lover's back. He was the one who disregarded Eren's love.

    So Eren narrowed his eyes and whispered, "You're a hypocrite, Levi. You tell me to stay faithful and to consider your feelings, but I bet those words fly right out of your head while you're fucking around with that other girl."

    Levi frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

    "Don't even try to deny it. I saw you. I saw you throwing yourself at that girl, the one with the red hair, telling her how much you missed her. I was traumatized, Levi. Do you know how much it pained me to see my boyfriend in the arms of another... the arms of a woman, no less! So don't tell me to keep it—"

    "Eren," Levi said, a small smile tugging at his lips.

    "—in my pants when you don't even do—"


    "—it yourself, thank you very much!" Eren exhaled.

    Levi blinked. "You done now?"

    "Yes, I am."


    And with that, Levi pressed his lips against his lover's in a soft kiss. Eren froze for a moment, the familiarity overwhelming his senses. Then he allowed himself to kiss his boyfriend back, but only for a second, because he was still pissed. He pulled away, scowling, and met Levi's silver eyes, surprised to find a glint of amusement shining within them.

    Levi chuckled. "This is what happens when you assume, Eren, my wonderful brat."

    "What?" his brows furrowed.

    "That girl," Levi started, "is Isabel. Do you remember when I told you I was a thief back in the day? Well, I had two associates. Isabel happened to be one of them. When I was caught by the police and offered a chance to better myself, I left her behind and the guilt has been gnawing away at me ever since. I wanted to make it up to her, I wanted to ask her for forgiveness. But I didn't think I'd ever see her again. Turns out... Hanji hired her as a part-time waitress. And when I saw her, years of pent-up regret and pain and guilt resurfaced. And I hugged her, a perfectly platonic action."

    Eren felt like an absolute idiot. He could feel the blush crawling up his neck and cheeks. He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is what happens when I make assumptions."

    "Indeed, brat."

    "I am so sorry, Levi. I have no idea what came over me. It's just... maybe I'm afraid that one day you'll realize that I'm just this young and stupid kid and you're wasting your time with me... or maybe I'm scared you'll realize that you're actually as straight as the poles I dance on and then you'll leave me for a woman with big boobs and a silicone butt... or maybe—"

    Levi silenced him with another swift kiss. "Or maybe, Eren, I won't. So what if you are a young and stupid kid—it's who you are and it's who I want. And so what if you aren't a woman, so what if you don't have boobs or a... silicone butt—it's who you are and it's who I want. Eren, you are perfect just the way you are. You're perfect in my eyes. Your faults are perfect, your imperfections are perfect, your kinks are... kinky yet perfect, and the fact that you're a stripper didn't scare me away. In fact," Levi's hands lowered to his lover's waist, pulling him closer, "it's actually a turn on. What do you say, hmm? Do you wanna test your limits of flexibility?"

    Eren couldn't help but laugh. Levi was unbelievable and had the libido of a teenage boy. Luckily for him, that's exactly what Eren was. He sighed, a small smirk tugging at his lips as he met Levi's hooded eyes.

    "Hmm... take me, Levi."

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my goodness, longest chapter i have ever written.

this will be the final chapter for a certain period of time because exam season is coming up and i unfortunately have to focus on something other than levi fucking the shit out of eren.

words: 1058

as for those who have been waiting for the smut (BeccaBirdy) the next chapter will most likely satisfy your perverted needs.

ladies, gents, and everyone in between, don't forget to vote and comment because i adore getting feedback from you guys!!

and share this story with every ereri-shipper and non-ereri-shipper, because why the hell not?!

à bientôt!

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