Yet another cool thing again I guess

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I touch my cheek.

It burns.

My mouth is dry.


Math Integrated for The Gifted


The Gifted's guide to Science and The World.


Literature: The Gifted's Wonders


The Gifted-

A breeze touches my shoulder.

"Hey, Listen! I found something cool!"

I don't turn.

I stare at the heavy weight on my lap.

I stare at the long dwindling stairs.

I want to-

"Hey, c'mon."

A warm finger pokes my cheek.

It burns

              yet so warm.

My eyes sting.

No. No. No. Don't.

I want to smile

for her,

for me.

"Hey, you okay? You don't want to miss this."

I see her smile turning.

I cry anyway.

Now. Why now?

Unnecessary Gazillion Of Words (CPN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora