Can I sleep?

6 0 0

He rolls around the blankets.

"It's gonna be our turn next week."

I think of the clutter.
I think of our work.

"Such a pain."


"Wanna keep watching?"

Circles my fingers went on the mousepad.

"Oof. I'm tired."

"I'm not really tired."

"Good for you."

"Good for me."

He pushes a pillow towards me.

I turn to the glowing light.

"They're really good, y'know."


He snuggles beside me.

"At picking contestants."

"Yeah. They always find the big catch."

The laptop feels heavy on my lap.

"We should ask for a promotion."

"We should. Maybe we can get a big catch."

The laptop's sound whizzes.

[Will they survive?]


I laugh.

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