Why can't I sleep?

5 0 0

"It's almost air time."

"Okay. Okay. Just wait."

I turn away from the camrecorder.

He smiles at me
before patting my head.

"We're definitely getting a promotion."

He passes me a babyface mask.

"Showtime it is then!"

The camrecorder blinks

red at

our "catch".

"We're live on Room 340!"

"We have special guests today...!"

"Gasp! Is it really them?"

"Oh yeah it is!"

"Will they survive?"

We heard the applause and the whistles from the other side.

The notifications and applause grew louder with the pleas.

He smiles at me.

"We definitely gonna get that promotion."

He pases a Styrofoam cup.

"Definetly. I'm tired of catching common fish."

I sipped in the

bitterness like always.

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