An Electrifying Situation

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Previously on escape the night they started assembling the first artifact while trying to run away from zombies. In the end they learn that for the final piece a guest has to die. Tamara and Bridgette fight off to survive. Bridgette finds the final piece and Tamara gets eaten by zombies.

"Well, Tamara's dead. What do we do now?" David asked.
"We read about the first owner." Emma said. Emma took the journal and started reading.
"Frank was a monster." Emma started.

Izzy - I mean, obviously.

"He only functioned with his electric mashine." Emma continued.
"So like Frankenstein?" Maggie asked.
"Looks like it." Bridgette answered.

Maggie - God damnit. I don't wanna be killed by good ol' Frankenstein.

"To free him you will need to purify his magic cog. It is somewhere in the living room." Emma finished. The group started chatting.
"I say we go search for it." Ci-Ci said.
"Yeah." Leon said. They spread around the room.

Ryland - We're back at it again. A stupid search for something which is gonna result in someone dying.

"Look under stuff!" Izzy shouts.

Leon - We were looking everywhere but no one was looking in the cabinet so I decided to open it and I found it.

"Got it!" Leon yelled.
"Don't touch it yet!" Emma yelled from the back.
"Why?" Leon asked.
"Because if we touch it, its guardian will awake. Look for notes first." Emma answered and Leon and Kym started looking for notes.
"Got it!" Kym announced.

Ci-Ci - When I first got a glimse of the cog it had a hole in the middle and three little like nails sticking out so I'm guessing something goes there.

"To purify the cog you will need to collect the middle, three little cogs on the side and a magic gem and assemble them together." Kym read.

Kym - So this is like another treasure hunt.

"Is there nothing else on the paper?" David asked.
"No." Kym replied.
"I guess we should just take it out of the cabinet then." Leon suggested.
"Do it." Bridgette said. Leon takes the cog out and Frank appears.

David - Leon takes the cog and basically Frankenstein appears.

Bridgette - He looked just like Frankenstein.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The group screamed as Frank was sprinting towards them but he stopped right in front of them.
"I need your help." Frank said.

Maggie - He says he needs our help and we're like: "Better not" but freaking Emma decides that we should help him.

"Why do you need our help." Emma asked nicely.

Emma - If he's the guardian and we don't help him then we can say goodbye to 2018.

"The evil created me as the first owner to guard the house and I'm stuck unless my magic cog is rebuilt. Are you willing to do that?" Frank asked.
"Yeah, sure." Emma said.
"First you will need to get the middle piece and the three little cogs on the side. One is in the pool room and the other in the bedroom ustairs." Frank said.
"Should we split up?" Emma requested.
"That isn't a bad idea." Leon said.
"Okay. The five of us and the four of you." Izzy said and the group nodded.

Kym - So we make a plan that we're gonna split up and I'm with Leon, David, Bridgette and we're going to the pool room.

"Good luck!" Bridgette said as the groups were spliting up.
The first group gets to the pool room.
"You didn't even tell us you have this, Leon." David said.
"Concentrate." Kym reminded.
"Sorry." David apologised and rolled his eyes.

Escape the night season 1(Followers and Friends)Where stories live. Discover now