The Suit

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Meanwhile, at the industrial park south of town, the Suit...

     stood in the middle of a big warehouse. Large wooden crates lined both walls. Around him, men moved across the floor carrying all sorts of things. One man was loading smaller crates of vegetables into the back of a truck, another was carefully rolling cases of alcohol towards a different truck. 

     "Ants." he said. "Busy little ants, scurrying back and forth, all tasked with different jobs. Each one knows his place. Each one, dedicated to completing his task. And, each one," he took a long drag from his cigar, "working for me."

     He bent to look into the eyes of the woman tied to the chair in front of him. Smoke rolled from the corners of his thin mouth.

     "You were an ant once, remember? You worked for me. I paid you, took care of you, feed you, gave you a warm place to lay your head. And what? You betray me? You rat me out?"

     "I didn't rat you out. I didn't tell anyone about what you really do here." she glared.

    The Suit grabbed the girls face with such force that it brought a tear to her eye. "Don't you lie to me, you dumb broad. I have eyes everywhere!"

     "Yeah?" she said, jerking her face back. "Well maybe they need glasses!"said 

     "I had you followed. You were with the detective!" he thundered.

     "Yeah, cause I wanted out. But that doesn't mean I was gonna squeal on you. I just wanted him to get me away from here!" she hisses through gritted teeth. 

     "And how was that suppose to happen? How was he going to save you from this," the Suit gestured behind him, to three large trucks filled with guns, ammunition, alcohol, and bags full of money, "without finding out about it?"

     "I didn't tell him a thing, I swear."

     "It doesn't matter." he waved a hand, like swatting fly. "By morning, both of you will be out of my hair."

     "What do you mean? What did you do?" For the first time, the girl looked scared.

     "Let's just say Mr. Detective won't be taking you anywhere.  And you, you're getting in one of these trucks. A friend of mine would like to meet you."

     At the far end of the warehouse two men opened a tall door. A black Studebaker slowly rolled in. The man behind the wheel knew he was running late. Pulling up alongside a row of crates marked "TNT", the car came to a sudden, unexpected stop.

     "You're late. Get over here and get the money on the trucks. What are you doing?" 

     The door of the Studebaker opened slowly, and out stepped a man...

In a dripping, wet, suit.

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