She Was Here

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She Was Here

Song: Sam Smith The Lonely Hour.

~Two Weeks Later: The Check-up~

Dustin walked into the hospital-clinic room smiling, he was looking at the results of Elóne's pregnancy test, she was definitely pregnant.

"Well, am I pregnant or-?" Elóne questioned from her criss-cross position near the edge of the bed. Harry looked up at Dustin expectantly from his seat on the right side of the bed.

"Yeah, you are!" Dustin exclaimed a little too enthusiastically. Harry sighed in relief and looked towards Elóne with a grateful smile, she smiled politely back at him.

"Okay," Dustin said clapping his hands together, looking directly at Elóne. "We have to do the ultra-sound, and what we should see is a little ball shap attached to the uterine wall..." He trailed off in deep focus.

As he looked he frowned and made a very disgruntled sound. Elóne looked up at him questionably, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that, there is one egg that looks to have just finish attaching to your uterine wall but, there is also an embryo here with an umbilical cord already." He paused and squinted not believing what he was seeing. "I'd say about seven weeks into development, while the other is- for lack of a better word, normal." Dustin looked on for a while longer.

Giving up and still bewildered, he sighed. "I don't understand this. How does this happen" he whispered to himself, turning on his heel and heading towards the door. "I'm going to get a second opinion from someone in Maternity." He called behind him.

"Harry?" Elóne called hesitantly.

Harry leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs and looked at her, waiting for the rest.

"I-I-, this has never happened before, I-" she was cut off.

"It's okay, we are going to find out what happened. Maybe you were pregnant before the insemination?" Harry tried to reason with logic, but even though he was not a doctor, Harry had the feeling that this has never happened before.

Elóne shook her head frantically. "No, Harry, that's the thing. As a surrogate you get a pregnancy test before the insemination whether you've been sexually active or not. I haven't for a while now, and the test came back negative." She ranted nervously.

Just then, Dustin walked back in the room with a doctor from the Maternity ward, Dr.McGregor. She was an older woman, but you could tell she was just as wild as any twenty year old. She walked towards the young surrogate, who was lying on the table looking at her like she would magically have all the answers. Dr.McGregor didn't, she knew she didn't, and she wasn't going to lie.

She took hold of Elóne's hand and said, "I don't have the answers to this medical mystery. I know that it is possible for a women to be pregnant with two children from two different people at the same time, but never this far apart." She stopped. She picked up the ultra-sound and looked for the babies, once she found them, she frowned, but nodded, looked at Dustin, and nodded again.

"Yes, one is two weeks, the other is about seven. We won't know or be able to find out what happened until they are born, seeing as your pre-pregnancy test came back negative. What's going to happen is, they will both be birthed at the same time, though the younger one will be premature. Not by enough for any health problems, so they'll be okay." She assured, clasping her hands together and looking between surrogate and father.

She then jokingly turned to Dustin, "You sure you don't wanna switch to maternity?" She joked.

Dustin held an expression of horror at the thought. "And have to deal with women at the peak of their hormonal anguish?" He asked rhetorically, "No thanks, I think I'll take a look at General surgery before I do that." Dr.McGregor chuckled, slapped a playful hand to Dustin's back, and left to go back to her own work.

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