Chapter 7

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Alessandra's POV

Max had to head back to the Institute, and as much as I wanted to beg him not to leave me alone, I knew he had a lot of family drama going on, so I had told him to go, that it was finally time for him and his family put themselves first for once.

That meant I was stuck all alone with Clary, Jace and Luke as apparently the Mortal Cup was hidden inside a card, and that card just so happened to be in the police station. I trailed behind the three of them awkwardly as they spoke about plans.

Honestly I would've rather been at the Institute than here, but I hadn't exactly been left with any option, Jace had quite literally just pulled me by the arm so that I would follow them. I didn't exactly understand why I had to be here.

"We need to lay low" Luke said. "I'll head in first see if I can grab the card. I'll be back soon"

We all agreed that was the best plan in order to not draw attention, so we simply just stood outside the station waiting for Luke to come back. It was probably one of the most awkward moments of my entire life, because even Jace, the guy who hadn't shut up for days shifted awkwardly.

"Can we talk?" Clary asked.

I nodded in agreement and the two of us walked a small distance away from Jace, I don't really know why we bothered when Clary would just end up telling him everything anyways.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Clary questioned. "Or would you rather we just pretended it never happened?"

"You haven't spoken to me in days" I replied. "That isn't cool Clary we're supposed to be sisters"

"I thought you just needed space" Clary said. "You never usually like to talk about anything going on in your life so I didn't think now would be any different"

"That's because you always told mom" I argued. "So I had no other choice but to open up to anyone but you"

"That isn't true" Clary disagreed.

"3 weeks ago" I stated. "I was going to a party at Rory's house since his parents were out of town. I told you because I needed you to cover for me if mom asked. Instead of covering you told her, and that caused the entire party to be cancelled because his parents also found out about it"

"That's because Rory is an ass" Clary sighed. "An ass who undressed you with his eyes your first day of freshmen year. I wasn't going to let you go anywhere near him"

"Then tell me that!" I complained. "Tell me, not mom!"

"Please" Clary scoffed. "You would've never listened to me"

"If you had sat me down and explained how genuinely worried you were, I would've" I responded. "I don't want this world to ruin our relationship"

"I don't want that either" Clary agreed. "I've always wanted to be better friends with you Alessandra, always wanted to be a big sister who you could look up to, but you aren't an easy person to get to open up"

"You never told me that before" I replied. "If you would tell me these things we would actually be on the same page for once"

"I'm sorry" Clary said. "I promise from now on I'll make more of an effort, I don't want mom to come back and we aren't even speaking to each other"

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