Chapter 45

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Alessandra's POV

"Your phone has been ringing for the past half hour can you please for the love of god pick it up!" Addison complained.

"I can't do that" I disagreed. "Just you answer for me, tell him I'm like super sick and I can't go for lunch today after all"

"What happened? Why don't you want to speak to Max?" Addison asked.

"Because it's going to be awkward!" I complained before hiding under the blanket on my bed.

"God you never get embarrassed like this. What happened Allie?" Addison questioned.

"I wanted to kiss him" I admitted. "Like kiss him for real. No forehead kisses or cheek kisses. But I completely ruined it"

"I bet you're just overthinking all of it" Addison comforted. "You didn't ruin anything"

"I can't kiss him because he'll think it means nothing" I said. "He found out about me kissing Jason and now he'll just think I kiss all my guy friends and it doesn't mean I like him"

"So we're admitting things now?" Addison asked.

"Fine!" I yelled throwing the blanket off myself. "I like him! I like Max Lightwood is that what you wanted to hear?"

"As expected" Addison replied. "I knew you couldn't spend all that time with him and not catch some form of feelings. But you don't get nervous around guys Allie. Just walk up and kiss him"

"I can't just do it that easily. Not with him" I sighed.

"You're very confusing" Addison complained.

"He's never kissed anyone before, I don't want his first kiss to be with me and he regrets it for his entire life" I explained.

"Listen to me" Addison ordered. "You're Allie freaking Morgan, nothing makes you nervous, especially not a boy. Now you're going to get changed into a killer outfit that will make this boy fall in love with you in one glance and you're going to go to this lunch and be perfect! You hear me!"

"I'm going to need a bigger pep talk than that" I stated. "Like much much bigger or I'm never leaving my bedroom again"

Max's POV

"You're pacing" Nathaniel observed. "Please stop pacing it's making the cats anxious"

"She's not picking up the phone" I stated. "What if she completely hates me because she thinks I judged her last night?"

"Well you did dude" Nathaniel said. "Simon told me what happened"

"I didn't judge her!" I disagreed.

"Then why'd you react that way about her kissing that Jason guy?" Nathaniel questioned.

"Because I was jealous!" I whisper yelled. "Isn't it obvious"

"God you're such an idiot" Nathaniel sighed.

"Tell me something I don't know!" I complained. "I should've just kissed her. She told me I could so why didn't I?"

"Because you're an idiot" Nathaniel repeated.

"Do you think she was just saying that to be nice or do you think she genuinely wanted me to kiss her?" I asked.

"I don't know" Nathaniel admitted. "It depends how she said it, like did she say it in a super friendly way or like a shy I want you to make the first move way?"

"What's the difference?" I questioned.

"You're a lost cause" Nathaniel laughed. "I don't know how the hell you've gotten this far without anyone's advice yet"

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