Chapter 39

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Alessandra's POV

"Finally you're home!" Haden complained. "I can't believe you ditched us"

"I didn't ditch you I had to work. We can always go shopping another day, we still have time before University is set to start" I replied.

"We stopped by your work" Jason stated. "You weren't there"

"I was probably in the back doing dishes or something" I said. "I didn't realise you was keeping tabs on me now, perhaps I should remove you all from being able to see my location on Snapchat Maps"

"We waited" Charlotte added. "An hour was how long we waited until your boss finally told us you weren't working today"

"We don't do secrets between us Allie, we never have because there's no reason to keep them, we'd never judge you for anything, so where was you?" Leah asked.

"Was you with you know who?" Addison questioned.

"No" I sighed. "I told you that nothing happened, he helped me, that's it"

"Who's he?" Haden asked.

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you guys" I responded. "You'll just make a bigger deal out of it then it needs to be"

"We make a big deal because we care" Leah said.

"If nothing happened then why can't you just tell us?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't think they'll let this one go any time soon Allie" Addison added. "You might as well just tell them and get it over with"

"Did you tell them about Nathaniel?" I questioned.

"Of course I did" Addison nodded. "But it's different for me. I let anyone and everyone into my life, but you don't Allie. You don't just meet up with anyone, especially not alone. Sure you're a social butterfly and will talk to literally everyone. But talking and letting someone in is two different things. Whoever he is he broke down your walls within a mere few minutes, the kids told me about how happy you seemed talking to him"

"Fine!" I yelled. "His name is Max, and he's going to help me with my book, that's all you need to know because that's all there is to it"

"Are you kidding me?" Jason questioned. "You won't even let any of us read it and now suddenly you accept help from a complete complete stranger. Obviously there's more to it"

"There's not" I disagreed.

"Then when do we get to meet him?" Jason asked.

"Never. We're not friends and we're not anything more than friends. He's offering help, I'm simply accepting it" I replied.

"I can't believe you" Jason sighed. "You're lying again! I saw you with him at the diner"

"Great so now you're following me?" I questioned.

"Technically Jason followed you, the rest of us were at your work" Haden noted. "He left after about 10 minutes"

"Let's just stop talking about this now" Leah stated. "There's no reason to be mad or anything anymore, she told us who he is so that's all we need to know"

"I agree with Leah" Addison added. "If it was serious between them, Allie would've told us. So let's just move on"

"No!" I exclaimed. "We can't just move on, he followed me, that's seriously crossing the line Jason, I know we're best friends but you should've respected that maybe I wasn't ready to tell everyone"

"Maybe if you hadn't been so sneaky about everything I wouldn't have had to follow you" Jason replied. "Besides you're still lying. I saw the way he looked at you"

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