Chapter 1

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Rose's P.O.V

" Mom, I'm leaving!" I said.
"Alright. Take care Rose!" Mom replied. I hopped into my black BMW, and drove off. Up ahead, I saw the Shiny white Porsche Convertible and the driver, Reece. Brown hair flying, dark gray orbs, that you would feel lost in when you stare at them. He had a crooked nose and defined cheekbones and perfectly sculptured jaw. He was the most handsome boy in Silver high school.

No kidding, girls chased after him, anything for a kiss from him. I think they even stalk him. Anyways, at the school's parking lot, I parked my car, got out, and locked my car. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked towards the school's entrance.

I went to my locker and met up with my Best Friend, Rhea Durant. "Yo! Rosie what's up?" She exclaimed. Yeah I know, my Friend is the enthusiastic type but I love her for that. "All good sis." I replied before launching into our personal handshake. Yes, again, I know it's a guys thing, but we don't care. I met Rhea in elementary school and we stayed together until high school.

We were like inseparable sisters. We did everything together. The bell rang signalling for the first period English. Rhea and I walked to class, laughing about some random shit.

"Holy shit balls." Rhea said. " What?" I said. I followed her gaze and saw her crush, Brett Duke making out with Jenna Conley. Rhea looked like she was about to cry. "Girl, listen to me. I know you like—or love him but if he's a player, you know you better watch out or he'll break your heart." I said. She nodded, wiping a few tears away.


We grabbed our food and sat at our usual table. While we dug into our delicious burgers, I saw Reece, Brett, Dave, Josh, Magnus, some brunettes and blondes talking away, at the 'Popular table'. The table was in the middle of the cafeteria. Those boys and girls are like popular in our high school. Many tried to be their friends but failed. Ten popular kids were enough I guess. Anyways, It's not that I like any of those boys but there're kinda annoying. They loud voices echoed through the cafeteria and once in a while, a few of the girls shrill laughter could be heard.

By the way, those brunettes and blondes are, Jenna, Vanessa, Leah, Ivy and Amy. They were the bitchest girls in our school. They were bitches, for sure. How? They insult every girl they meet. Insulting them about the way they dress, what type of shoes they wear what can of makeup they use, there're Barbie dolls themselves. Skinny, curvy and wears ten pounds of makeup to school every day.

Like bruh. It's not like we're going for a fashion show or beauty pageant everyday. We're still in high school. " Rose, it's time to go." Rhea's voice broke my train of thoughts as I nodded, took my tray and dumped it onto the collecting cart. I finish my Green Tea, and we headed to Science class. Our teacher, Miss Lin, greeted the class and then broke into her boring speech on Atoms and all that stuff.

After endless hours of staring at the clock, school was finally over. I said goodbye to Rhea, hopped into my car and drove off.

At home, I took a quick shower, finished up my homework and changed into a White turtleneck and jeans as I was gonna meet Rhea at Arizona Mall, for dinner. "Hey Rose!" Rhea said. "Hi." I replied. We walked towards our favourite fast food restaurant; Burrito Bowl. We ordered our usual and found a spot to sit. I ordered a Spicy Chicken burrito, Rhea ordered a Spicy Beef burrito. While eating, the front door opened and two handsome boys walked in. Reece and Brett. But they weren't alone. Jenna and Vanessa were trailing behind them like puppies. Rhea and I rolled our eyes.

After eating, we left quickly as Jenna's and Vanessa's laughter was sooo annoying. We said our goodbyes and went home.

The next day, at homeroom, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jenna passing out invitations to the popular students. You know what I mean right—those 'Ten'. I saw a few classmates trying to see if there were extras. But she printed exactly nine. I rolled my eyes but smiled when our english teacher, Ms Tori, said, "Jenna, please stop doing whatever you're doing." Jenna flushed as red as the jacket she was wearing and nodded politely.

The class snickered at her reaction and she let out a breath of annoyance and gave everyone a glare. Her cronies followed. I heard Rhea sigh next to me, I turned to look and I saw her staring at Brett. I don't blame her again. He looked cute today. His black hair was parted to the side, his warm brown eyes could capture any girl in our classroom now. And one of them was Rhea. I shook my head and focused on Ms Tori's words.

After school, I met up with Rhea and she took out a piece of paper. When I looked at it, I gasped. It was the invitation Jenna was giving out. "How-W-what? How did you get this?" I choked out. " It flew out of Magnus's bag just now, after English class. No one saw it so I grabbed it." She said, giving me a grin. We quickly went to my house and read the invitation. It said, "To Magnus, I would like to invite you to my party on this Saturday, 3-9pm. We'll do all the usual stuff. Don't worry there'll be food. P.S I think Leah likes you. ;)."

This was normal I guess. Jenna usually host parties but will choose who can go. Some would really want to go as she lives in a really fancy-pants Mansion. Rhea and I have no interest cause we have our own 'parties' like sleepovers. "What do we do with this?" Rhea asked. "We tear it and throw it cause why not?" I replied. We grinned and did that. We said goodbyes and she went home.

I finish my homework, ate pizza and then fell face first onto my bed and slept, thinking about how rude Jenna and her cronies were to my classmates. I shook the thoughts off and fell asleep.


Aaaaaaand that's gonna wrap it for the first chap! Comment about my story. Tell me what's bad and I don't mind. My first time on Wattpad btw and Rhea has a Mercedes. Hope you like it! :)

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