4. New friends

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*A/N: Thanks for 100+ reads everyone! Please leave your vote if you like the story, and I'd really really appreciate it if you let me know what you think about the story in the comments!*

A blast of hot, humid air slaps me in the face as soon as I leave the terminal and step into the sunny California morning.

Axl and I have said our goodbyes with a long passionate kiss just before Customs earlier. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. We actually did got to talking about him too during the remaining hours of our flight and apparently, he's in this band called Guns 'n Roses that's about to make it pretty big. They had a gig in London, the reason why he was on that plane in the first place, and there's an album coming out next month and an American and European tour coming up. I highly doubt if he'd want to waste his precious time having an ignorant Dutch girl like myself tagging along while he and his bandmates are busy conquering the rock world by storm.

But hey, I do have his phone number, so who knows what will happen. If anything, my first flight will always be a great memory - a memory that will make my cheeks turn red just by thinking about it.

"Karen?" I awake from my daydream when a male voice addresses me. I turn around to see a tall blonde guy holding a sign with my name written on it. "Figured that was you," he says, ignoring my outstretched hand and pulling me close for a hug instead "Welcome! I'm Corey, Elite ordered me to come and pick you up. May I just say you look ravishing? "

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself either", I smirk, and I'm definitely not lying. He has this fresh, clean- cut prom king look going on for him with his bright white smile, lustrous blue eyes and muscular physique. "Are you one of the models?"

He laughs as if I just made the funniest joke ever. "No, but I already love you for thinking that! I'm just an all-rounder for Elite I guess, designated driver by day and struggling stylist and make-up artist by night," he answers cheerfully while he takes my suitcase from me and throws it in the back of his convertible. He opens the door on the passenger's side with a sweeping gesture. "Let's split, off to the model mansion! Oh, and if you don't suffer from a jetlag too much, me and your new roommates Paulina and Vicky are throwing you a little welcome party tonight."

I'm definitely down for that, guess sleeping is overrated anyway. "That's so sweet! I'd love to get to know you and the girls."

There's plenty of time to make a start with getting to know one another on the ride to my new home, since we end up in a huge traffic jam not soon after we leave the airport. It doesn't really bother me, Corey is a great conversation partner and it gives me the chance to soak up the lively freeway scenery.

"So, how was your flight? " he asks as he makes a dangerous maneuver to pass his car in front of a blue Dodge.

I decide to give him the cleaned-up version of my rock star rendezvous. "It was a first for me, so I was kinda scared shitless. But I met this really cool guy who helped me take my mind off things. So it wasn't that bad after all".

He grins significantly. "Ohhh, do tell me more! How exactly did he take your mind off things?"

Shit, is it that obvious? "Well, he came over to talk to me when he saw me freaking out after take-off, and then we just drank some champagne and had this really nice conversation about his band and stuff".

"So, he's in a band, huh?"

"Yeah, they're called Guns 'n Roses. Axl told me they have an album coming out soon."

"Wait, what- Guns 'n Roses? Axl? Did you spend time with Axl Rose?"

Oh my god, Corey actually knows who he is? He must be more famous than I thought then. "Yes, that's him."

"Wow, lucky girl! I mean, I don't know him personally or anything, but for anyone that's ever visited the bars on Sunset Strip, Axl and his friends are kinda hard to miss. Their music totally kicks ass too. Not to mention that he's one hell of a good looking fella".

I have to agree with him on that one. The fact that I met the seemingly notorious Axl Rose and the impressed look that induces on Corey's face fills me with a silly sense of pride. "Yeah, and he also sort of invited me to this club" I chuckle, digging up the piece of paper with Axl's number and the text: 'Welcome to the Mile High Club. xxx, Axl' on it. "The Mile High Club! Is that also on Sunset Strip?"

Corey looks at me with eyes the size of dinner plates, before cracking up in a hysterical fit of laughter.

"What? What did I say?"

"Oh honey. I can't blame you for not knowing that expression. But..." he pauses to wipe the tears of joy out of his eyes "....the Mile High Club thing is just a phrase. It means...uhm..well basically it means that that you had sex on a plane."

Oh, fuck. I'm such a naïve idiot sometimes. I actually thought that showing that piece of paper would get me into some sort of exclusive Hollywood club. I cover my face in embarrassment, but it doesn't take long before Corey's laughter becomes too contagious not to partake in it.

Guess my secret is out now, but even when I do feel a little ashamed, I don't really mind. While we continue to laugh our asses off, I feel like I just made my very first friend here.

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