12. Independence day

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"Wake up wake up, sleepyhead! We don't wanna miss the parade!"

Ugh, why does Vicky always have to be such a cheerful person in the morning? Ignoring her knocks on my door, I reluctantly open my eyes, squinting against the sunlight that peeks through the curtains. I feel a hint of disappointment when I notice the empty spot beside me where Axl was laying just hours before, and I bury my face in my pillow, that still lingers in his scent of cigarettes and cologne.

Vicky pokes her head around the door. "Can I come in? I come bearing fresh coffee! Thought you could do with a little pick-me-up on this beautiful day."

I reply with a disgruntled groan, pulling up the blanket to cover my naked body as Vicky plops down on my bed. "Ah, nothing beats the smell of sex and coffee in the morning," she winks. "You had a good time with loverboy last night?"

'A good time' is definitely an understatement. God, last night was intense. I blush to the roots of my hair just thinking about it. "Yeah, it was fun," I answer casually, holding back from spilling the dirty details for now. I'm gonna need my caffeine shot first. "How about you and Duff?"

"Let's just say that he's a big guy in every sense of the word," she answers with a sassy grin. "It's a shame you left early, the party really took off once we got to the guys' apartment. That place was crazy, it was like entering the fucking twilight zone! Oh, and I actually held Slash's snake!"

"Ew, that better not be British slang for his penis," I snicker, causing Vicky to laugh out loud.

"Nah, don't worry, I've restricted myself to Duff's trousersnake last night. That was more than enough to handle... –hey, what do we have here?" She picks up what I thought was a torn up Marlboro pack from my nightstand. "Ooohh, loverboy wrote you a little note!"

I try to snatch it from her, but without any luck, and she reads it out loud. " 'Didn't wanna wake you, you looked so peaceful sleeping. Had a great time, let's do that again VERY soon. I'll call you! xxx Axl'." Her face softens as she hands me the scribbled note. "That's actually really sweet! "

"Yeah, I guess so..." I shrug, sipping my coffee. The fact that he left me a message rather than just abandoning me makes me ridiculously happy, but I try not to show that to Vicky. I have no idea where my infatuation with Axl will lead to eventually, so it feels safer to keep my burgeoning feelings for him to myself for now.

"Anyway, Corey and Paulina went over to the liquor store, they'll be back in half an hour or something. So it's time to get that pretty ass of yours in the shower." She heads for the door, throwing me one more smile before she exits the room. "We'll continue this conversation later!" 


"Who's up for a swim?!" Paulina shouts enthusiastically. 

We've left the crowds at the 4th of July parade to find a good spot on an overcrowded Santa Monica beach, and the clamor of the marching bands is slowly being replaced by the sound of children's laughter and seagulls squawking, the salty air filled with the smell of barbeque and sunscreen.

"Nah, I'm good. No swimming for half an hour after your lunch, right?" I answer, chewing on the hot dog I'm eating.

Corey nods his head in agreement. "Yeah, I'm with Karen on this."

"Gosh, you're a bunch of lazy bums. I'll race you, 'Lina!" Vicky pouts before she runs off, with Paulina quickly following her lead.

"Ahhh, we're living the good life today," Corey happily sighs while he sips his beer. I was afraid he 'd be upset about what went on with Axl yesterday, but, to my relief, he seems to be in the same good spirits as usual.

"I know, feels like we're on a holiday here! A much needed one, might I add," I reply, closing my eyes in the hope of fitting in a little power nap to make up for my lost sleep; but I guess I'm in no such luck.

"So, you were awfully quiet after we told you about our crazy night. How was yours?" Shit. He's probably been waiting for the moment we were amongst ourselves to ask me. I can get away with withholding information from the girls, but Corey's like a fucking gypsy that stares straight into my soul when it comes to reading my emotions.

I put on a valiant effort nevertheless. "Ah, you know, we had fun, I already told you guys the sex was great."

As I expected, Corey's doesn't budge. "It's just-and please don't take this the wrong way-I get how you are drawn to Axl's whole rowdy and dangerous attitude and all, but you seemed upset before you left last night. I just don't wanna see you get hurt in the end. "

I run a hand through my hair and light a cigarette to win some time. It's sweet of Corey to look out for me like that. I can see why he wouldn't think very highly about Axl, considering the latter was being a total prick to him yesterday, but he doesn't know the Axl I've gotten to know last night. Seeing Axl opening up to me while he was in his most vulnerable state forged a fragile bond between us, and I don't want to break that by sharing those moments with anyone, not even Corey.

"Thanks, Core, but I'm a big girl, and I'm not planning on getting my heart broken," I try to reassure him.

"Just know that you can talk to me if you ever feel the need to, " he shrugs, setting the subject aside for the time being when we see Paulina and Vicky returning from their swim.


The best days always fly by too fast, and today is no exception. We recline on our towels, drinking, laughing, eating, not thinking about tomorrow when the inevitable work and responsibilities will start again.

As the sun sets, we watch the fireworks light up the night sky, a perfect ending to a perfect day. It's one of the many experiences that reinforces my decision to come to L.A., and at this moment, there's no place I'd rather be than right here, right now, living the American dream.

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