Your First Date

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"Okay,'re just going to wear some human clothes and a hoodie...then no one can tell if you're  human or a mutant?" you asked Leo as he puts on his hoodie. "What about your shell?"

"I'll just make them think that I have a bag under my hoodie." Leo replied.

"But...what about your feet? Aren't they too big?"

"Let's make it look like I'm wearing boots."

"Your hands."


"Your arms."

"My hoodie is loose."

"Are you comfortable?"

"No, but this is our date, so I'll try to make myself comfortable."

"Okay, you said."

Leo walked out of your house with your behind him. You locked the door and followed Leo to the movie theatre. You wrapped your arm around his and held hands while you walk. No one suspects anything, so you guys just bought tickets and watched (y/f/m). (It means your favourite movie


"Ready?" Raph asked you.

"Ready as I can ever be." you winked.

He smiled and jumped to the other rooftop, making you scream in delight. "Woo yeah!" he keeps running and jumping through the rooftops until you guys reached a particular rooftop where Raph sets you down. He lay down and so do you, seeing the stars.

"Wow. It looks amazing." you told him.

"They sparkle like your eyes." he smiled and grabbed your hand. You smiled back. You spent hours just talking to each other and staring at the stars.


You were waiting in your apartment's rooftop, waiting for Donnie to come. After a few minutes, you heard footsteps behind you. You smiled as your turn around, expecting Donnie to be there. Instead, there was a boy, he's as tall as Donnie, he has brown hair and is wearing a purple sweater and jeans.

"Who...who are you?!" you asked.

"Whoa, whoa. It's me. Donnie." he replied.

"No way! Donnie's a mutant turtle and how'd you know his name?!"

He walked up to you and looked at you straight in the eyes with his own reddish-brown versions. He smiled, showing an oh-too-familiar gap.

"Donnie? How?! What!? When?!"

"Whoa, don't worry. I made a device which can turn me human. I never told my brothers though, they might steal it. Especially Mikey."

"Oh...that's why you want to go to the museum during the afternoon."

He smiled again and you returned it with your own. You went down the building and head towards the museum.


You were waiting in the alley beside your apartment forever! Mikey's taking too long! Suddenly, you heard a familiar crunch. You turned your head towards the direction and saw a boy. He has curly blonde hair, baby blue eyes and is wearing an orange sweater and jeans.

"Uhm? Who are you?" you asked.

"It's me Mikey! I sneaked in Donnie's lab just to find this awesome watch!" he told you showing the watch in his wrist. "It can turn me human anytime! Isn't that great?"

"How would I know if you're Mikey? What's your favourite food?"


"Who's the bully?"


"Who's the cutest thing in the whole world?"


"Congratulations, you are now not suspected as a not ninja in disguise."

He smiled then hugged you before you to head the pizza place.

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