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The school bell rang as students poured out of the building. Felix was still by his locker sorting through overdue homework and textbooks, not noticing the person behind him. "What are you doing Felix?" The voice of Chan made him jump and drop the textbooks.

Felix glared at the smiling boy in front of him, he tried to have a cold expression but the other's smile was contagious. Chan took out his phone and took a picture of him and Felix. He's so cute

"Felix do you wanna come to my house to study?" The older said, dropping his phone into his bag.

The younger didn't answer.

"Why are you inviting me to your house? Are you going to do something to me?"

Felix's paranoia made Chan look at him with shock.

"Well I just thought it would be nice to have you over, thats all. We can make some vegemite toast if you want"

Felix squinted his eyes in suspicion and nodded slowly.

What's wrong with him?


The aussie pair entered Chan's house, Felix was immediately in the kitchen toasting bread and searching through cabinets for vegemite. Arms snaked around the youngers waist and a head was placed in the crook of his neck. Felix grabbed the toast as it popped out of the toaster and began to spread the vegemite onto the bread. A hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

Felix jumped from the sudden contact.

"What are you doing Chris? I'm just trying to spread the vegemite. What are you trying to do to me?" Felix said, a hint of fear in his voice.

Chan softly laughed and handed him a container of butter, Felix blushed and accepted it quickly. This time he did it correctly. The younger bit into the toast and smiled, he was suddenly lifted up in Chan's arms. The older smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

He was carried to Chan's room before being placed onto a bed, still eating the toast.

"I only have 3 pages of homework, but I need to go to the restroom first. Excuse me" The male exited the room and shut the door.


It had been a couple minutes since Chan went to the bathroom and Felix was on his phone. The room was silent besides the crunching of chips. He was getting bored. He reached into the bag only to feel emptiness.

God damn it

The young boy decided to look through Chan's drawers for more food. He stepped off the bed and down to the drawers, the first drawer had multiple bags of chips to choose from, he went with original. Felix threw the bag of chips onto the bed as he went to close the drawer.

After closing the drawer, the empty chip bag slipped out from his hands and under the bed. "God damn it" The male muttered.

Felix turned his phones flashlight on and looked underneath the bed, it was completely bare except for the empty chip bag and..a book? In a state of curiosity he grabbed both the chip bag and book.

The austailian boy checked the door to make sure no one was coming. He opened the book and let himself take in the sight before him. Doodles cluttered the seemingly endless pages, there was also some notes for school, just the normal do homework tonight and study for math quiz. While he flipped through the pages something fell out of the book. It was a folded piece of paper, nothing odd about it.

Felix bent over to retrieve it, he quickly opened the note. Blood was splattered everywhere and there was a paragraph of writing.


I don't deserve to live. If I was dead no one would even care. It hurts to be alive. I'm just a failed abortion. Life is meaningless. Nothing matters. Love doesn't exist. I'VE JUST BEEN HURT SO MUCH AND I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE. THE VOICES WON'T GO AWAY. THEY REMIND OF HOW WORTHLESS AND STUPID I AM. I CAN'T STAND LIVING ANYMORE. I'M JUST PATHETIC AND USELESS AND I DON'T MATTER TO ANYONE AND I NEVER WILL

In one month I'll be gone

Goodbye everyone :)


Felix couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't want his friend to die, he mattered too much to him.

I have to save him before it's too late

If You Leave - Chanlixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن