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I'm sorry


Chan sat on the edge of the cliff with a gun in his hand.

Is this really the end?

His feet dangled over the edge, at the bottom there were massive boulders and rocks. He thought about all of the memories he had. A person came to mind, Felix.

Will this hurt him?

They have been best friends for years. Felix meant everything to him. If he lost Felix he would die. His whole life revolved around Felix. It was like he was obsessed.

Tears flooded his face as he remembered all the times he saw Felix's smile. When they went to the cafe, when they studied, when they hugged, and so much more.

Was it all for nothing?

I just tried to make Felix happy but it never worked. I tried to love him. I tried to make him feel better. I tried but failed at everything.

He stood up and looked at the gun. Fully loaded. He heard footsteps from behind him, he turned around to see Felix.

"Chan don't do this please" Tears were running down his cheeks and he was Gasping for breath.

"Why Felix? Just let me end this pain. It hurts so much and I can't stand it anymore"

Felix stepped closer to him with his hands out. He looked so hurt. I did this

"Just leave Felix." Chan sniffed and wiped the tears running down his face. The gun was now directly next to his head, his finger was on the trigger.

"What am I supposed to do without you Chan? You're my fucking life. I care about you more than myself. I can't live without you Chan" He was now yelling and his arms were now fully extended and he was getting closer to Chan. The older dropped the gun and hugged him. He cried into his shoulder and wouldn't let go.

"I-I love you Felix"

The younger connected their lips. Chan straddled his waist and deepened the kiss. Their lips moved in synch as it got more intense. They both cried in the kiss, quiet sobs escaping the olders mouth. All the pain he felt was suddenly let go.

The mental pain. The physical pain. The emotional pain. Felix had saved him from himself. His thoughts effected the kiss as Felix held him closer in his warm embrace. They separated,  breathing heavily. Chan's head was resting in the crook of the youngers shoulder.

He stroked his back soothingly while Chan let everything out at once. He couldn't control it. All the years of endless pain that had kept him prisoner, he was finally free.

"Thank you Felix. You saved me" Chan snuggled into the others chest and smiled happily. The two watched the sunset, the stars shining in the dark night sky. Felix turned towards him, his eyes like stars.

"C-Chan I'm so sorry" The aforementioned male gave him a look of confusion mixed with concern. The younger was now standing on his feet.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Felix, why are you apologizing?" Felix had his hands in his hair, and tears clouding his vision. His breathe felt heavy in his chest and he could feel himself being dragged towards the cliff.

!!!Detailed gore warning Read at your own risk!!!

The sky turned dark and clouds covered the sun. Chan couldn't see Felix clearly but he could feel his aura radiating off him. There was only an outline of a figure in front of him ; as he went closer everything changed. Chan's body felt like it was on fire. His already broken arm felt like it was being twisted and broken even more.

The Australian boy screamed in pain but kept walking towards the shadowy figure. As he continued more pain came. Every part of his body was in immense pain and hot tears that felt like acid ran down his face. Chan fell onto his knees only to feel a stabbing pain on his palms. He looked down to see glass shards lodged in his hands. Chan's breath quickened  but he still tried to focus on the figure. 

He pushed himself up off the ground, the glass shards now visibly poking through his hand. The terrified boy stared at his hand with half shut eyes and blurry vision. His hand shook as he attempted to pull out the glass pieces. Chan's finger grazed one of the shards, fear pulsed through his veins and he froze in place.

Just do it Chan

His fingers were around the glass again. He slowly began to pull the fragment out of his hand, the rough edges scraping the muscles in his hand. Chan's eyes were shut tight and his mouth was open in a loud scream that grew louder the more he pulled on the shard. He continued the grueling process of ripping out the glass shards until he couldn't feel his hands. There were deep stab wounds in both of Chan's hands and blood oozed from the gashes.

He looked at the pieces of glass next to him, they were covered in blood, muscle, and small bits of flesh. The sight made Chan feel sick to his stomach, but he stood up and continued to walk towards the figure. Every step he took felt like he was being pushed down by an unknown force.

Suddenly the sky turned bright again. Now Chan could see Felix clearly, he was standing at the edge of the cliff.

Chan cried out to Felix but to no avail. The younger stood still on the edge of the cliff, seemingly not hearing him.  Chan tried to get up with what strength was left in his arms, only to be pushed down again. Chan crawled towards Felix slowly, crying out to him in hopes of him listening.

If you leave I won't know what to do with myself

Mustering up all his strength, Chan pushed himself off the ground with a scream of pain. He ignored the blood dripping from the wounds on his hands and continued towards Felix.

He slowly dragged his feet on the ground, crying in agony when he felt more pain in his already agonisingly painful wounds.

Felix was now in his reach. The older reached out towards the younger.

He felt nothing

Chan opened his eyes to that Felix had disappeared from his sight. He looked around wide eyed to find him.  Tears began to cloud his eyes as he sobbed in his hands, then he heard a noise from behind him.


The older turned around hopefully, hoping to see Felix. Suddenly he felt an intense force push him, the ground under him had disappeared.

He opened his eyes to see sharp rocks beneath him.

There stood Felix, on the edge of the cliff.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Y'all thought

But this is the end so thanks for reading! I changed the wndunf do you could understand it better

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