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Dear Darcy,

That's what I'm calling you, ok? It kind of makes me feel like I'm actually talking to a person and that I'm not just slouching in my bed writing in a dumb book. Sorry, I didn't mean to call you dumb. That was mean. Shit, I just apologized to a book....and I'm writing in pen. They should make erasers for pens. People are so dumb why couldn't they do that? I'm a genius! I could become rich! I'm the next Einstein! Never mind. I just looked it up. It's already a thing. Why did my dad buy me these generic shitty pens then? I literally told him I wanted better ones and he told me to shut my mouth cause they were all the same. Obviously he was wrong because mine don't have erasers. Do they Dad? EXACTLY! THEY ARE ALL THE SAME MY ASS!!! Speaking of ass...I saw this guy at the store and he had a nice ass. He looked around my age. If people at my new school are as hot as he was then maybe my new life won't be so bad. I'm gonna go to bed now. Good night. Oh Jesus Christ I just said good night to a book. Tomorrow I'm going to get a pen with an eraser on it. I promise.
                                                                                                                      Sincerely, Evan

I put the book into my desk drawer and went over to my bed. My dad got me that book to keep my thoughts in. Basically a diary. Let's just say that a lot of shit is happening in my life right now. I have two big secrets in my life. The first one is my sexuality. The second one is way bigger and it's complete bull shit that I have to go through something like this when I'm only fifteen. FUCKING FIFTEEN! I can't even write my second secret in my diary, I mean book, because that's how confidential my second secret is. If I wrote it down in my book and someone other than my dad found and read it I'd be screwed. Maybe even dead. Yeah, that's how serious this secret is. I climb into my bed. It takes a while but eventually I fall asleep.


As I stand in front of the steps of my new high school I regret not taking my dad's offer of staying home for one more day. I was pulling out my phone to text my dad to come back and get me but someone ran into me.

"Shit." I muttered as my phone crashed onto the ground. It was brand new, like everything else I owned. You know, because of my second secret.

"Sorry dude, I wasn't paying attention." A guy behind me said. I turned around to see a familiar face. The guy from the store with the nice ass? What a coincidence. I unintentionally try to take another look at it.

"Am I really that attractive?" He smirked.

"I, um heh no way, that's be so like, gay or something." I nervously laughed.

"Just joking bro. Sorry about your phone." He said before leaving.

"He has a girlfriend. Also, he's as straight as a ruler." A guy laughed from beside me. I didn't realize he was there so I jumped a little.

"Ok. Why would I care?" I asked.

"I saw the way you were just staring at him. Nearly everyone looks at him that way." He smirked. I blushed.

"Including you? So you're gay?" I whispered.

"No." He said quickly. I nodded a little.

"See you in class." He waved. I nodded again . Am I nodding too much? I probably am. I haven't been here for more than 5 minutes and already two pretty decent looking guys have talked to me. So far so good. I don't even remember what I was scared of. The first bell rang and I rushed to the main office.


"Class! Quiet down! Please! Everyone!"

I walked into the room to see the teacher, Mrs. Mellor, trying to get the class' attention. Then she saw me in the doorway.

"Oh! You're here!" She smiled. The entire class looked at me and I looked nervously down at my feet.

"Introduce yourself!" She smiled again. She smiles too much.

"I-I'm," Shit, I stuttered. I cleared my throat, "I'm Evan Frailly and I'm from Colorado." I told the class.

"Anyone have any questions for Evan?" The teacher asked. I kid in the front raised his hand. By his attire and his smirk, I could tell he was a douche and was probably going to make a smart ass comment.

"Jackson?" The teacher called on the kid.

"Are you gay?" He asked. I froze. Was it that obvious?

"E-Excuse me?" I stuttered.

"You look gay." He laughed along with the class.

"Jackson! Can you not be nice for once?" The teacher turned to me, "He always teases the new kids like that so don't take it personally."

"It's fine." I shrugged. Other students asked questions but they weren't that interesting. One girl asked why I moved here and I told the cliché story of how my dad got a new job. Even though it wasn't true. After that class I had a run in with Jackson.

"You never answered my question fag." He laughed.

"Uh, sorry, I would answer it now but I have to get to History." I smiled as I walked away, faster than I usually walked. I found the room which was only around the corner. As I walked in I noticed the hot guy with the hot butt.

"Keep dreaming." A kid behind me laughed. I turned around to see the other guy from this morning.

"Like I said, straight as a ruler." He smiled.

"I-I'm a ruler too." I stated awkwardly.

"Yeah, one of those rubber ones that bend." He laughed. People turned to look at us.

"Class settle down. I lost my seating chart so I'm just going to make a new one. Since I'm making a new one I will let you sit wherever for now." He smiled. I could tell that he was going to be one of those teachers that are cool with a lot of things. I looked around nervously as everyone started sitting with their friends. Where am I supposed to go?

"Hey! New kid! Come sit over here!" I heard. I turned my head to see the hot guy from earlier waving me over. I tried acting confident as I walked to him.

"Hey, sorry again about your phone. I'm Rudy." He introduced himself.

"Hey Rudy." I heard a voice behind us say. I saw weird ruler kid smirking.

"You know what your name sounds like?" He asked.


"Ruler." He chuckled.

I almost laughed but didn't.

"Not really. What even is that?" Rudy asked. My jaw dropped. Seriously? I heard weird ruler kid laugh.

"It's a tool you use to measure things." I told Rudy. Then one of the popular kids spoke up.

"I'm pretty sure it's a thing from Mexico." She said.

"It's ok dude. Not all of us can be smart." Rudy told me as he pat me on the back. My mouth was still open. Did that just happen? I looked at weird ruler kid. He laughed and pat the seat next to him. I sat there, not really feeling like sitting next to Rudy anymore.

"I think he was kidding." I frowned.

"Trust me when I say he wasn't." Weird ruler kid chuckled.


So, this is my son, Evan. This is a story I've been working on for a while. Please comment any thoughts you have during the story or any negative or positive feedback. I really do appreciate it a lot. It's how I know that people are enjoying it and it gives me a purpose. Thank you, love you, have a good life.

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