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"He should be fine, although he does need a cast for his right leg. We will need to contact a parent or guardian, for he is a minor." The nurse calmly told us.

"Can we see him?" I asked.

"Yes, but please be gentle." The nurse smiled. My dad left and I would ride home in Dean's car.

As we all walked into his room, Rudy smiled.

"Yo! Wassup guys?" He laughed.

"What's up? You're hurt because you don't now how to listen, that's what's up." I scolded.

"Bro, I'm sorry. I truly am." Rudy, apologized. That's the most serious I've ever see him.

"It's ok." I gave him a sincere smile.

"The apology would have been better if he didn't say 'Bro'." Danny whispered to Ben. Everyone looked at him.

"O-Oh did I say that too loud?" He asked, flustered.

"I'm so hungry." Rudy whined. He started to get up and when he tried to move his leg he winced.

"Rudy, you idiot! What are you doing? You can't move like that you're injured." I lectured.

"I forgot." He frowned. There was a moment of silence.

"I'll go get some pizza. Anyone want to come with?" Danny asked.

"I'll come." Weirdo offered. He's been unusually silent since he got here.

"I would but I got to go. Totally forgot I had a date." Ben smirked.

"Oh, Benny's getting some? Who's the lucky lady?" Rudy wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Oh...uh, my boyfriend. Nate." Ben answered, awkwardly. I tensed up. How would Dean and Rudy react?

"What?" Dean asked surprised.

"Oh. Sorry. Does he go to our school?" Rudy asked, excitedly. 

"Um...no. He goes to Rendale." Ben smiled shyly.

"Good for you bro! Have a good time." Rudy winked.

"Thanks Rudy. See you guys tomorrow at school." He told us and left.

"Wait, he's gay?" Dean asked, kind of sad like. I saw Weirdo kind of fidget I little, obviously nervous.

"Dean chill. It just means he likes dick and thinks vagina's are gross." Rudy explained.

"I know what it means Rudy. You know who my dad is though." Dean frowned.

"Oh shit." Rudy realized.

"Who's your dad?" I asked.

"He's the pastor of our church." Dean muttered.

"He doesn't need to know." Danny spoke up.

"True." Rudy agreed as his stomach started to growl.

"Right. The pizza." Weirdo brought up.

"Yeah, I'll come with you guys." Dean stated.

"Don't leave me alone, Evan stay." Rudy pleaded.

"Sure." I agreed. After everyone left I walked over beside Rudy.

"Why aren't there any seats in this room?" I questioned.

"You can sit up here." Rudy offered, scooting over a little then wincing because of moving his leg.

"Don't move like that. It's fine, I'll stand." I reassured.

"No. Come." He pat the space next to him.

"It'll be crowded and uncomfortable." I pointed out.

"I don't take up even half of this bed, trust me." He smiled.

"I guess." I muttered. I gently got onto the bed, being careful not to touch him. 

"See? Not the most comfiest bed but it's better than standing." Rudy chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right." It was so weird saying that to Rudy of all people. 

"So...you think I'll get to miss school tomorrow?" Rudy asked.

"You wouldn't want to. You'd be so behind in your classes." I countered.

"I'm going to be anyways so what's the point." He muttered.

"What do you mean?"  I asked, shocked at his sudden seriousness.

"I'm not the smartest, obviously." Rudy frowned.

"Yeah, and I'm not the hottest." I smiled and nudged his arm. Trying to lighten the mood. Rudy jumped and looked at me, very startled at my flirting. He calmed down and smirked.

"Well, I'm completely dumb. At least you're a little hot." He winked. I choked on the air I was breathing.

"Don't say that." I punched him in the arm.

"I was just making a point, and you started it." He laughed. 

"Excuse me? Mr. Terusso? We need some contact information." The nurse from earlier came into the room.

"O-Oh, yeah. My mother should be off of work. Want me to write down her number?" He asked.

"Only if you can write down yours too." The nurse smirked. It disgusted me how this nurse in her 30's was hitting on a high schooler.

"Uh, I'm taken, sorry." He smiled. The nurse frowned and handed him a pen and paper. Once he was done and handed the paper back to her she left.

"Want me to give you a tattoo?" Rudy asked, holding up the pen he didn't give back.

"Sure." I laughed. 

"Where would you like this tattoo? How about the forehead?" He asked. 

"No way, my arm is good enough." I frowned.

"Fine, but I get to draw whatever I want." He teased.

"Please don't draw a dick on me." I pleaded.

"I take my job seriously FYI." He gasped. I rolled my eyes but smiled softly.

"Uh, actually though, can you move so that your arm isn't in a weird angle?" He asked, patting his lap.

"Will it hurt you if I sit there?" I asked. He just looked at me and pat his lap again. The next minute I was straddling Rudy Terusso. I held out my arm and he started drawing. 

"are we interrupting something?" Danny asked. We both jumped and I felt Rudy wince because I hit his leg.

"Sorry." I apologized and got off, but staying on the bed. 

"I was just drawing on his arm." Rudy explained.

"Oh, well, we didn't know what you guys wanted so we just got cheese." Danny explained.

"That's fine." Me and Rudy said at the same time. He chuckled and nudged my arm. I really hate how hot he is. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Rudy teased. My face flushed but I got an idea. I took out and took a picture of Rudy.

"There, I did." I stuck my tongue out. This time his face flushed. We got chairs from the hallway and sat around Rudy while eating pizza. I was gonna get up to sit in a chair instead of the chair but Rudy gently put his arm on my leg to stop me. I stopped moving and stayed where I was. Hours went by of us talking and laughing. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." All of us called at the same time which for some reason made us all laugh really hard. It was Ben.

"You wouldn't believe the time I had." Ben grinned.

"Ooo, did our Ben get some?" Rudy cheered.  Ben's face flushed as he sat in an extra chair.

"N-No. Shut up." He covered his face in embarrassment. 

"Come on! Tell us what happened." Weirdo begged. And he did.

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