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"D-Danny." I stuttered, for the millionth time. We went our separate ways. I let out a shaky breath and walked into class. Was he serious? Can I really sit with them? I don't know. Maybe I just shouldn't, just in case he was joking. I'd look like a fool. Nothing really interesting in this class...maybe I should just time skip to last period. Ok, and maybe I should leave the fourth wall breaking to Ben. He seems to love doing that.


I walk into my last class of the day, science. There are five tables. Each table has four chairs around it. 

"Dude, no way! You're in this class too?" I heard a voice say behind me. When I turn around I am face to face with Ben talking to this other guy. 

"Obviously. Why else would I come here?" Ben wrinkled his nose.

"Right. Well, Evan has this class too." The other guy smiled. They both turned and saw me staring. 

"Oh, Danny, right?" Ben smiled.

"Y-Yeah." I nodded.

"I forgot to ask, but can Danny sit with us at lunch tomorrow?" Ben asked the other guy.

"Definitely. You can sit with us this period too." The other guy answered. We walk to a table in the back. 

"Evan!" The other guy yelled. A boy who just walked through the doorway dropped his textbook on his foot.

"Aw, SH-" Evan started to yell.

"Evan, I don't think you want to finish that sentence." The teacher scowled as she walked into the classroom. Evan glared at the other guy and sat down beside me.

"The hell? Stop doing that!" He demanded, obviously talking to the other guy. He looked over at me.

"I'm Danny." I stated, surprisingly not stuttering. 

"Evan." He greeted back.

"How about you?" I asked the other guy. And he explained his name situation. 

"Wow, so no one knows your name?" I asked.

"Nope." The other guy smiled.

"Except for you and your parents right?" Ben asked. The other guys' face changed slightly. I don't know if anyone else noticed. 

"Yo! Evan right?" I heard the most popular boy in the school shout from a crossed the room. Evan's face flushed. The other guy and Ben laughed.

"Yeah." The said person replied.

"You should come sit with us." Rudy offered.

"N-No it's fine." Evan stated awkwardly. 

"Rudy sit down, class is starting." The teacher commanded. Rudy rolled his eyes and sat back down with the popular kids.

"Ok, so this semester we are working in groups of two. They have already been assigned and I don't want to hear any complaining about who you're partnered with. 

"Let's take attendance, Dean Albarns?" The teacher called. 

"Here." I boys called. The other guy started choking on air. Everyone turned towards him. He was literally choking on nothing. 

"What's wrong? What are you choking on?" The teacher started asking questions which was dumb because he obviously couldn't answer them. Evan and Ben started laughing and when I looked at the teachers worried face and the other guys' red face I couldn't hep but laugh myself. Ben handed the other guy a water bottle. which was weird because we aren't allowed to have those in class. The other guy took a sip of the water and calmed down.

"S-Sorry...I choked on air..." He muttered pathetically. 

"It's alright Kyle." The teacher pat his back and continued attendance. 

"Thought you didn't have a name?" I asked.

"All the teacher's think my name is Kyle." He smirked. I nodded and listened for my name to be called. 

"Kyle Chambers is here obviously." The teacher smirked. I heard a scoff from the other side of the room. It came from Dean Albarns. 

"Ok, I printed off a list of the partners I'll be right back. Please behave." She explained as she left the room.

"Why'd you choke?" Ben asked. 

"Have anything to do with Dean?" Evan smirked and wavered his eyebrows. The other guy explained what happened to him during free period. 

"Oh shit." I muttered when he was done.

"Yeah. I didn't know he was in this class, it took me but surprise I guess." He shrugged and looked at Dean. The teacher came back in and cleared her throat. 

"Ok, so the groups are, Brittany and Terri, Gavin and Fiona, Jack and Mark , Hayden and Avery, Rudy and Evan,  Danny and Ben, Dustin and Veronica, and Dean and Kyle." The teacher smiled. As she named off the names there were either cheers or groans. I smiled at Ben but Evan looked like he saw a ghost. 

"Oh god." He said with a shaky breath. 

"Honestly, I feel worse for 'Kyle'." Ben laughed. We all looked at 'Kyle' who looked practically dead. 

"You two are so lucky." He pouted towards Ben and Danny. 

"We can work together, let's just have all out groups meet at my house or something."Ben suggested.

"Wait, can we really?" Evan asked, obviously relieved. 

"Well, yeah. Actually, maybe not my house." Ben frowned.

"Not mine either." Kyle quickly said. Me and Evan looked at each other. Honestly, I don't like people at my house but if Evan doesn't want to I'll sacrifice my comfortableness for them. 

"My house is fine. You guys can see my awesome dad." Evan laughed. We all agreed and nodded. Rudy walked over with Dean.

"Hey Evan. We're lucky we got paired together." He laughed.

"Yep." Evan said with obvious sarcasm but Rudy didn't notice. 

"Hey Dean. You're partnered with Kyle right?" Ben asked, trying to start a conversation between the two.

"I don't know a 'Kyle'." Dean spat. He looked at 'Kyle' but quickly looked away.

"You dum dum, he's right there." Rudy pointed at 'Kyle.' Dean rolled his eyes.

"We're all gonna go to my house after school to work on our projects if that's ok with you two?" Evan asked Dean and Rudy.

"Sure thing Bro." Rudy smiled.

"I mean, I did have plans, but that person's basically dead to me now so I guess that's fine." Dean sighed. I saw a flash of hurt go a crossed both Dean and 'Kyle's' faces. 'Kyle's' was more obvious.

"I-I have to go to the bathroom." 'Kyle' said shakily. He got up and asked the teacher for a pass. It was silent as he left. 

"What's wrong? You've been acting this way all day. You were fine this morning." Rudy asked Dean. He just shrugged.

"Ok well do you guys need anything from your lockers after this class? If not then we can just leave right after." Evan asked, trying to change the subject. 

"Sounds good." Rudy smiled. Dean just nodded. Eventually 'Kyle' came back. 

"Ok class, let me explain the project!" The teacher exclaimed.


My 4th Child <3 Enjoy

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