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Hope you like the picture I drew, it's a reference from last chapter. Kind of messy but idc. Follow me on insta and DM me on there.

I walk out the hospital and see Nate there waiting for me.

"Hey, how are you?" He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm good. How about you?" I asked as I hug back.

"Same. Why are you here?" He pulled away and gestured at the hospital.

"A guy from school broke his leg," I explained.

"Is that why you haven't been texting me all day?" He asked. My face flushed as I remembered. When we were in Rudy's room I checked my phone to find texts from Nate. I haven't text him all day. I quickly text him back telling him I was all right and to pick me up from the hospital for our date.

"Sorry. New friends remember? Today's been crazy," I smiled reminiscing on my day so far. And it's only around 6. 

"So, when can I meet these people who kept you from me all day?" He smirked. 

"Maybe we can all do something together next week," I suggested. 

"Sure thing. So, I think we could just stop at Uriel's," Nate stated.

"Sounds good." I smiled.


We pulled up to this small Mexican joint. When we got in a small elderly lady waddled up to us.

"Hello boys." She muttered towards us.

"Hey Uriel, as beautiful as ever." Nate winked.  

"Follow me Nate." She frowned.

Me and Nate share a glance before following the lady to a booth. 

"Haven't seen you two in a while." Uriel commented as we took our seats.

"Aw, did you miss us?" I asked.

"Hardly." She smiled and gave us our menus. As she waddled away, Nate turned to me.

"How was your first day?" He smiled.

"Actually really good, you know, because of my new friends and stuff," I smiled back

"Tell me about them." He said.

"Well, there's Evan, his dad's pretty chill and he has a dog and he's super cute." I explained Evan to him.

"Evan's cute huh?" Nate frowned.

"I-I was talking about his dog, idiot." I muttered.

"Go on." He laughed.

"Danny's shy but he's actually really cool. I can tell he's insecure but I think he's more than what he thinks." I started to ramble about Danny to him.

"Dude, you don't have to write a book, anyways you just met him today." Nate scoffed.
"And yet, there's something intriguing about him." Ben smile. Nate frowned.

"Then there's 'Kyle'," I laughed and smirked a little at his name, "he's like, I don't know, he's pretty much the only reason all of us are friends in the first place, he's pretty much the comic relief I guess." 

"He sounds cool. So many new friends already."  He laughed.

"Well, that's not even it. There's Jen, she's pretty much a comic relief too but the author might do something with her later." I paused, thinking.

"Dean is a jock and normally I wouldn't even look his way but 'Kyle' seems to like him, a lot actually. Rudy is like the most popular boy in our grade and he's the one that broke his leg earlier." I explained the two jocks and laughed a little as I remembered 'Kyle's' obvious glances.

"So, 'Kyle' is gay too?" Nate asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, wait, I don't think I was allowed to tell you that." I frowned.

"So all your new friends are guys, and one of them is gay?" He scoffed. I was about to correct him about the number of gay people in my group, but I don't think this is the time.

"Yeah, so?" I asked, knowing where he was getting at.

"Just saying Ben. All of a sudden you have all of these new friends who are all guys, and you're gay." He explained.

"Jen's my friend too. And so what? You think I'd cheat on you?" I asked offended.

"Maybe. How am I supposed to know?" He looked away as our food came.

"Figured you boys would get what you usually get." Uriel explained as she waddled away. 

"Thank you." I called after her. After a while Nate finally spoke up.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried." He frowned.

"You should have more faith in me." I scoffed.

"I know, I should, I'm sorry." He held out his hand. I hesitated for a second.

"Fine. Just don't doubt me again." I placed my hand in his. 

"Let's eat." He smiled.


I walk down the hospital smiling like a fool. I knock and I hear multiple people say "Come In".

I heard laughter as I walk in.

"You wouldn't believe the time I had." I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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