🌸Bright Pink Hair🌸-Chapter Zero

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Dang it!

Sasuke sighed in distress as he failed once again to spin the plate. They were practicing hand eye coordination in physical ed, although his attempts appeared futile. Although it was only a rubber plate, each time it collided against the hard floor felt like glass shattering.

"Do you need help?" A small voice sounded behind him, and he turned around with the stick clutched in his hands. A pinkette girl with pulled back hair smiled, arm stretched out, with her own plate and rod in the other.

"Mhmm," he murmured to his fellow 9 year old, and let the little girl release the stick from his hands. Taking both plates and wooden rods, she began slowly spinning then until the rubber disks picked up speed; then let them rest on her palms.

"Just focus on the plates, and spin it slowly! Like hula hooping." She grinned a bit wider as she let the disks gradually come to a stop, then handed Sasuke his original pair. Mind and eyes focused solely on the red plate above his head, he watched in awe as it began to latch onto speed and spin quickly.

Laughing slightly, he looked down to where the girl stood—but there was no one there. Huh.

Wonder where she went.

Red Disk Girl • A SasuSaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now