Little Bit of You

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Warnings: None

You had just settled in after a long week at work, pulling eighty hours in five days was finally catching up to your body. Your feet ached and your head pounded so you ordered your favorite dish from your local Mexican restaurant, changed into some comfortable clothes and waited for it to be delivered.

You sunk into the comfy cushions of the couch, settling on a comedy to watch on Netflix when your phone began ringing relentlessly.

"This better be good." You sighed into the receiver.

"Well Good evening to you too doll." You heard a husky voice laugh.

"What do you want Stan?"

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine." He laughed.

"Yeah, I'm all puppies and rainbows."

He let out another laugh "What are you doing?"

"Fixing to start a movie, waiting on my food to get here. You?"

"Leaving set."

"You guys wrapped early?"

"Something like that." You could hear him smile.

You were about to ask him what that meant when a knock and the delivery boy announced the arrival of a food.

"I gotta go, foods here."

"You're really going to have movie night without me aren't you?"

"You're in New York, unless you can magically beam yourself here then yes, the couch owns me tonight." You told Sebastian as you paid the delivery boy.

"But I bet the couch doesn't know how to-."

"Sebastian!" you exclaimed as you could feel your cheeks reddening.

You could hear him doubled over with laughter on the other end, "Sweet dreams doll, talk to you later." he said, ending the call.

You settled into the movie, and began digging into your favorite food, where you then mentally cursed yourself for ordering it to begin with, as you and Sebastian normally shared the dish.

Halfway through the movie, you felt your eyelids grow heavier with every word spoken, before you knew it you were passed out asleep on the couch.

"You know I love you right?" Sebastian said cupping your jaw with his hand.

"I know." You smiled as you leaned in, giving him a kiss.

You were startled awake, out of the blissful dream at the sound of a loud knock at the door. You rubbed your eyes, seeing from the clock on the wall it was well past midnight. 'Who the Hell?' you thought to yourself as you grabbed the Louisville Slugger that was kept behind the front door, slowly prying it open, not thinking to look through the peephole.

"Sebastian?" you said, feeling much more awake as you realized it was your boyfriend standing on the other side.

"Open the door babe, it's me." Sebastian laughed.

You quickly undone the chain, pulling the door back as fast as you could, dropping the wooden bat as you jumped wrapping your legs around his waist, his arms quickly going around your waist. "I missed you!" you said, placing a kiss on his lips before taking his jaw into hand, giving him a long slow kiss. "This is your place too babe, you have keys, you could have just let yourself in." you told him as you pulled back.

"I know, but I wanted to surprise you."

"And surprise you did, you almost became very close and personal with a bat, but what are you doing here, aren't you filming this weekend?"

Sebastian laughed as he walked you both inside, shutting the door with his foot. "I couldn't miss your birthday now, could I?"

"You remembered?"

"Of course [Y/N], we've been together for how long now? I wouldn't miss your birthday even if the Russos paid me to."

You laughed "How? When? How long?" you asked, the questions coming out a mile a minute.

"I asked and they moved my schedule around a little. I landed about thirty minutes ago. And until tomorrow night." He said, giving you a sad smile.

"It's ok, I'll take what I can get." You said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"I see you ended movie night like you normally do," Sebastian said as he took in the pile of blankets thrown across the sofa and the food left sitting on the coffee table. "How about we hit up some late night McDs?"

"Sure." You agreed, not bothering to change out of your comfortable clothes as you took your jacket off the coat rack, your keys off the holder on the wall, slipping into your most comfortable shoes.

You stepped out, Sebastian locking the door behind you. "You wanna take my car or your truck?" you asked him.

Sebastian gave you a knowing look. "I haven't been able to see her in months; can we please take her out for a spin? I promise not to do anything 'suicidal' this time." He pleaded giving you his best puppy dog look.

You pretended to contemplate, just to make him beg more. "Fine, we can take the Ducati." You sighed dramatically.

"Yes!" Sebastian yelled, fist bumping into the air.

"Quiet down, you'll wake up the neighbors." You scolded him as you grabbed yours and his helmets from the wall in the garage.

"Hellllooo Gorgeous." Sebastian sighed as he took the tarp off, running a hand over the body of the Ducati.

"Boys and their toys..." you muttered under your breath as you slid your helmet on, throwing your leg over, sitting on the back of the bike.

Sebastian threw his helmet on and hopped on to the bike, "You know you love me." He said as he kicked back the kickstand and throttled the engine.

"You know that's debatable sometimes."

"[Y/N], I'm hurt!" he said clutching his chest, feigning to be heartbroken over your words.

You lightly slapped his back, before wrapping your arms around his waist, "I love you Seabass."

"Love you too doll."

Sebastian Stan / ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now