The Convention

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"Yeah, I mean we always have a good time on set, last summer when we were filming in Atlanta, it was so hot, it was beyond miserable, because you've got to think, we have to wear all of this fabric -most of which is long sleeve. I mean I have the metal arm and black leather, Chris he has that helmet and thick suit and Mackie, well I think he is the luckiest because he gets to wear short sleeves and only has those goggles. But anyways, there was this one day where I had just walked out of my trailer and everybody on set was having some fun pranking each other, so you always had to be aware, but I had let my guard down one day and [Y/N] was hiding around the corner with this huge ass water gun, needless to say, I never saw it coming." Sebastian laughed into the microphone.

"Speaking of [Y/N] the first installment of her movie just came out and it was a HUGE success, I mean the fans are going crazy. There is all sorts of fan art and stories about her and your characters getting together because of how similar your characters are."


"Yeah, there have even been some rumors that you are going to be in her next movie which begins filming next month. Know anything about that?"

"[Y/N] is always a wonderful person to work with, hell of an actress, we always have a great time on set so I think should I get the opportunity to work with her again, it would be a real pleasure."

"So you don't know if you will be making an appearance yet?"

Sebastian was about to respond when suddenly the crowd erupted into screams and began pointing their cameras behind Sebastian. Not sure what was going on, Sebastian turned his head toward stage left.

"How about we just ask the woman in question herself?" the host asked.

You walked out onto the stage, Evans and Mackie standing to give you a hug as Sebastian gawked before shaking his head bringing him out of his thoughts, standing.

"Hey, hi, how are you?" Sebastian smiled as he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm good. Thank you."

You turned and waved to the crowd being met with yells of "We love you [Y/N]!!"

"Love you too!" You laughed as you turned back around, taking the only available seat beside Sebastian.

"Looks as though someone decided to crash our panel!" the host smiled.

"Now, if I recall correctly, someone" you said glaring towards the host "told me to..." you laughed.

"Ok, so maybe I did." He mischievously grinned. "[Y/N], fans were introduced to your character and got a teaser last year about a probable [Y/C] movie at the end of the latest Avengers movie, and now your movie premiered last month which quickly gained national attention for being the first marvel movie to completely revolve around the lead female character. What has it been like, this so called whirlwind roller-coaster?"

"You know, it has been such an honor to play [Y/C/N], I remember when I auditioned for the part, many of my friends and family told me "Oh that movie is going to be a flop." and "You're ruining your career." But when I found out I got the part all those things that people said, they didn't matter anymore, I was on cloud nine, I told myself that "Hey, I am going to be playing a strong independent badass woman, I am going to be a role model to other people, I can't let what others say affect how I do my job." And I strongly believe that is why I am here today."

"You sure it isn't because marvel thinks you are hot?" Anthony playfully asked.

"I'm sure that had a part in it too." You laughed.

"Hey now, I've seen [movie] several times, you're talented, I think that you are the perfect woman to play the part." Chris complimented.

"Thank you, you aren't so bad yourself captain."

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